3: Fodder For Ramses

ModPlug Tracker 1.16 IT 2.14
1135825 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


                        FODDER FOR RAMSES


                          By AxeSlash

Hehe...you weren't expecting that tempo change, were you? :)

Yeah, once again, I'm Egyptian-bound again here. I'm sorry, but I just
can't help it :) This is kind of a satirical sideswipe at the great
King Ramses...saying he was a wimp basically :) (hance the melodic section
with the tempo change). Of course, the guy was actually a nutter intent on
war with just every nation within reach...or so some people say. Read up
on it and draw yer own conclusions. IMO he was just about the same as
every other ruler of Egypt.

As for the music...well, guess what scale it was written on :) Yeah,
Egyptian. Well, there is one of those take-random-notes-from-that-scale
-and-put-them-all-together-randomly-in-a-pattern sections in here too. I
did it coz' it sounds quite technical. And I LOVE technical stuff :) Once
again, it's in the Corpse-style. Because it always brings out the best in
me IMO. All my ideas just flow out easily when I'm writing like this,
whereas when I'm doing full riffs or normal sampleset tunes, I can be sat
there for weeks trying to figure out some riff that will fit that
particular part of the song which resolves itself too well. I hate that
type of pattern. You know the one, it's that one fucking pattern that
sounds like the ending, but doesn't fit well enough for an ending. And
it's a bitch to find anything that will fit it properly...

Plus, I can be a lot more progressive (erm...oops) in this style (hence
why Ground Zero and Dawn Of The Apocalypse sound kinda progressive).

There's also a long no-repetition part in this song. I decided that it
needed that kinda The Black Flame-like almost melodic style in there
somewhere; it needed a sort of break from the riff style of composition.
In that way, it's a first for me, coz' I almost always use repeated riffs.

As with the rest of the disk, the guitar samples here are from the
Chainsaw sets, and this time I have used notes all the way up to C#8 (!)
where I normally stay around C-7 as my highest octave...

And I like that riff-that-sounds-different-to-what-you-thought-it-was
section at the intro. Cool, huh?

This probably one of the weirder ones of thsi disk, but I don't care :)

Secnod half of thsi songy written while I was pissed. Sorry about the
weird shit,dudez...you knwo how it is...this si a bit weird, innit???
Hehehe....cool. Huhuuhhhuhuhhu :) Corhnolio...

I'm gonna leave all those typos in, coz they're funny :) I wrote the end
bits while I was sober...

All guitars by me
Bass by Stygian
Drums ripped from all over the place


Erm...everyone greeted and tanked in the other greetz lists of this
diks...you know who you are :)

Cheers, people! *belch*

Let's all get pissed at Christmas, OK? <G>


                Ah, fuck it, you nowk the mail addresssess & shit.

No fkuckin' lyrix or vox this time, OK? SAorry...


Source Name Folder
Modland consumed - 3- fodder for ramses.it Impulsetracker/AxeSlash/



# Name Used in Size
1. Git 1 Rotors (c) AxeSlash 3 other modules 10000 ▶️
2. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10000 ▶️
3. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10000 ▶️
4. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10750 ▶️
5. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10170 ▶️
6. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10590 ▶️
7. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10750 ▶️
8. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10330 ▶️
9. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10330 ▶️
10. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10270 ▶️
11. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10465 ▶️
12. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10660 ▶️
13. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
14. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 9000 ▶️
15. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 9465 ▶️
16. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 9270 ▶️
17. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
18. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10400 ▶️
19. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10725 ▶️
20. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 7465 ▶️
21. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10205 ▶️
22. Git 2 Rotors (c) AxeSlash 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
23. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
24. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10383 ▶️
25. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
26. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
27. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10748 ▶️
28. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10388 ▶️
29. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10653 ▶️
30. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
31. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
32. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
33. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
34. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10011 ▶️
35. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
36. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10383 ▶️
37. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10639 ▶️
38. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10825 ▶️
39. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10011 ▶️
40. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
41. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10632 ▶️
42. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10992 ▶️
43. Crash Cymbal R (10) 25 other modules 29984 ▶️
44. Blasphemous Kick (32) 11 other modules 6894 ▶️
45. Snare (35) 23 other modules 23013 ▶️
46. HiHat (40) 29 other modules 21145 ▶️
47. Ride (43) 20 other modules 13204 ▶️
48. Crash Cymbal 1 (32) 72 other modules 24288 ▶️
49. Crash Cymbal 2 (54) 53 other modules 26420 ▶️
50. Crash Cymbal 3 (10) 64 other modules 29984 ▶️
51. Crash Cymbal 4 (10) 115 other modules 35993 ▶️
52. Chinese Cymbal (54) 24 other modules 16475 ▶️
53. No name 65 other modules 7734 ▶️
54. No name 65 other modules 7734 ▶️
55. No name 65 other modules 7734 ▶️
56. Bass (c) Seraph Obscuriis 10 other modules 125684 ▶️
57. Bass 10 other modules 171183 ▶️
58. Bass 10 other modules 130084 ▶️


  1. Guitar 1 Rotors
  2. Guitar 2 Rotors
  3. Drum Kit Of Death
  4. Picked Bass

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster