ModPlug Tracker 1.16 IT 2.14
2505331 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


                        NO ROOM TO BREATHE


                          By AxeSlash

THis was written as a demo song for some guys who wanted me to write some
music for their game. I haven't heard from them in months, so I guess the
project is down the shitter or something. So I just decided to release
this coz' there are some cool parts in it.

I somehow rammed together a few techno-like bits with death metal here,
and kept it fast, like they wanted. It's almost exactly 1:00 as
requested...but IMO it sounds unfinished. Maybe as an intro piece or
something this would sound OK - over some FMV or whatever :) Especially
with that machine-gun like part in the middle.

There's not much to say here really coz' this songed was whipped up pretty
darned quick a while ago.

Greetz to all the usual guys + the game crew...what happened, guys?



Source Name Folder
Modland no room to Impulsetracker/AxeSlash/



# Name Used in Size
1. Git 1 Rotors (c) AxeSlash 5 other modules 10000 ▶️
2. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10000 ▶️
3. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10000 ▶️
4. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10750 ▶️
5. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10170 ▶️
6. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10590 ▶️
7. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10750 ▶️
8. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10330 ▶️
9. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10330 ▶️
10. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10270 ▶️
11. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10465 ▶️
12. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10660 ▶️
13. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10790 ▶️
14. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 9000 ▶️
15. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 9465 ▶️
16. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 9270 ▶️
17. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10790 ▶️
18. China 2 (44) 16 other modules 79821 ▶️
19. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 10725 ▶️
20. Git 1 Rotors 5 other modules 7465 ▶️
21. Git 1 Rotors 1 other modules 10205 ▶️
22. Git 2 Rotors (c) AxeSlash 6 other modules 10197 ▶️
23. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10604 ▶️
24. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10383 ▶️
25. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10197 ▶️
26. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10790 ▶️
27. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10748 ▶️
28. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10388 ▶️
29. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10653 ▶️
30. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10604 ▶️
31. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10604 ▶️
32. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10197 ▶️
33. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10790 ▶️
34. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10011 ▶️
35. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10604 ▶️
36. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10383 ▶️
37. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10639 ▶️
38. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10825 ▶️
39. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10011 ▶️
40. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10197 ▶️
41. Git 2 Rotors 5 other modules 10632 ▶️
42. Git 2 Rotors 1 other modules 10992 ▶️
43. EFX Piggyback (20) 16 other modules 42292 ▶️
44. Kick (32) 10 other modules 18481 ▶️
45. Splash 2 (42) 16 other modules 49497 ▶️
46. Snare (34) 9 other modules 17618 ▶️
47. Splash 1 (22) 16 other modules 68263 ▶️
48. HiHat (34) 10 other modules 71873 ▶️
49. Ride Bell (22) 16 other modules 37336 ▶️
50. Ride Cymbal (22) 16 other modules 79249 ▶️
51. Crash Soft (30) 16 other modules 68344 ▶️
52. Crash 1 (10) 16 other modules 91190 ▶️
53. Crash 2 (54) 16 other modules 69893 ▶️
54. Crash Short (32) 15 other modules 60913 ▶️
55. China 1 (20) 16 other modules 86344 ▶️
56. Tom Floor (12) 10 other modules 25967 ▶️
57. Bass (c) Stygian 4 other modules 62842 ▶️
58. Bass 4 other modules 85592 ▶️
59. Bass 4 other modules 65042 ▶️
60. Tom Low (23) 10 other modules 20043 ▶️
61. Tom Mid (41) 10 other modules 19487 ▶️
62. Tom Hi (50) 10 other modules 20401 ▶️


  1. Guitar 1 Rotors
  2. Guitar 2 Rotors
  3. New Drum Kit
  4. Picked Bass

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