September Rain (HKvalhe's 16-bit Amiga Soft-Rock Editon) @ 2018 By HKvalhe
"September Rain" is an 8-channel Amiga Soft-Rock track composed by me -
Helge Kvalheim from Bergen City of Norway, using OctaMED SoundStudio's
Mix mode, that can have up to 64 channels! In this case, 8 channels are used.
The track uses high quality 16-bit Stereo samples of the Walkabout Music collection
for far better and deeper dynamic and clearness. The end result is just beautiful!
The title "September Rain" was picked up simply because the month itself had a
lot of rain through most of September in Norway, so I just gave this track that title.
It's amazing to think of the fact that this track is nearly 8 minutes long! No kidding!
But I think this track is so good that it deserves the nearly 8 minutes of great listening!
As always, lots of hard work has been put into completing this 8-channel Amiga track.
This track will be available both at YouTube and Aminet. For the latter one, you need either
a 68k Amiga (A1200 or faster 68k) or preferable a PPC Amiga, AHI and compatible audio system,
all MED/OctaMED libraries, XPK compressor and UnARC (standard in AmigaOS 3.9 and upward),
latest OctaMEDPlayer or HippoPlayer, and OctaMED SoundStudio Freeware tracker itself.
Hope you'll love this track! I know I do...;)
Composed by Helge Kvalheim, Norway