Family @ 2019 By Helge Kvalheim aka HKvalhe
Family is a new 4-channel Soul/R&B-ballad done
by me - Helge Kvalheim from Bergen City of Norway,
using my AmigaOne 500 and OctaMED SoundStudio.
The same procedure as always with my music.
The 16-bit stereo RIFF WAV Walkabout Music Samples
continue to amaze with its' realistic high-quality
instruments. The very best samples you get on the
Amiga these days, unless you sample some very unique
sounds and instruments by yourself. That would be cool!
Making this Amiga track wasn't easy. I ended up using a whole
week to get to this great result, and it feels personal for me,
hence the title of the track. The guitars, the bass and the drums
are perfectly matching in this track in such a realistic impression
that it should be hard to ignore the overall impression of the track.
Of course, it's all about taste, and if you like Soul/R&B, you'll like this.
Thanks again for your love and support, and as always, ignore the haters and
embrace the lovers! I do this because I love to do this, and because of the Amiga.
Now that ALL of my MODS are UNCOMPRESSED, they should all be very easy to play,
no matter how many channels they are, being 4-5, 6-7 or even 8-channels!
Amiga version composed by Helge Kvalheim