5: Profane Litany

ModPlug Tracker 1.16 IT 2.14
1115731 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


                          PROFANE LITANY


                           By AxeSlash

Hmmm, once again, as with all the tracks on this disk, I'm experimenting a
bit more with the Corpse-style, and I'm trying to wring some new life
(death?) out of it. I'm trying to get out of my generic Corpse-mod phase.
Most of my Corpse-like stuff since "The Black Manifesto" has all sounded
pretty similar, and so with this disk, I guess I'm trying to snap out of
that groove into somethign slightly weirder and better. 

Also, I'm trying to be more technical with my drums; I tried not to use
the ever useful blastbeat-to-snareroll-then-tomroll-then-cymbalcrash
combination that I overuse a lot. There's now some ride cymbals and hihats
& stuff during the rolls, as well as much longer snare rolls. I think I'm
trying to capture Pete Hammoura's style of drumming. I dunno; I know shit
about drums in real life...

I also put that slower bit in there as a sort of comedown session, to
balance out the hyperactivity of the rest of the song.

I'm trying to kill off that "Dawn Of The Apocalypse" and "Ground Zero"
kind of style here and progress into something more energetic and catchy.
I'm kinda disappointed with my attempts, but I'm  pleased that I'm slowly
getting more towards what I'm trying to achieve here. One of my main
reasons for tracking is so that I can constantly improve my skills and
understanding of how to create a really memorable song...and if I'm
progressing further towards that, then I'm happy :)

Once again, Chainsaw sets and Egyptian scale in use here. Again. It's just
too tempting. This disk has turned from a Corpse-disk into almost "Out Of
The Duat part 2" or something.

All guitarz by me
Bass By Stygian
Everything else fell off the backs of various lorries...

Greetz 2 everyone who normally gets the "hello, dude" treatment. You
should know if that means YOU, and if it doesn't, greetz to you anyway :)



I'm not gonna bother with the mail addresses & stuff this time.


Source Name Folder
Modland consumed - 5- profane litany.it Impulsetracker/AxeSlash/



# Name Used in Size
1. Git 1 Rotors (c) AxeSlash 3 other modules 10000 ▶️
2. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10000 ▶️
3. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10000 ▶️
4. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10750 ▶️
5. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10170 ▶️
6. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10590 ▶️
7. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10750 ▶️
8. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10330 ▶️
9. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10330 ▶️
10. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10270 ▶️
11. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10465 ▶️
12. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10660 ▶️
13. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
14. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 9000 ▶️
15. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 9465 ▶️
16. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 9270 ▶️
17. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
18. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10400 ▶️
19. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10725 ▶️
20. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 7465 ▶️
21. Git 1 Rotors 3 other modules 10205 ▶️
22. Git 2 Rotors (c) AxeSlash 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
23. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
24. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10383 ▶️
25. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
26. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
27. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10748 ▶️
28. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10388 ▶️
29. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10653 ▶️
30. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
31. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
32. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
33. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10790 ▶️
34. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10011 ▶️
35. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10604 ▶️
36. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10383 ▶️
37. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10639 ▶️
38. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10825 ▶️
39. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10011 ▶️
40. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10197 ▶️
41. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10632 ▶️
42. Git 2 Rotors 3 other modules 10992 ▶️
44. Blasphemous Kick (32) 11 other modules 6894 ▶️
45. Snare (35) 23 other modules 23013 ▶️
46. HiHat (40) 29 other modules 21145 ▶️
47. Ride (43) 20 other modules 13204 ▶️
48. Crash Cymbal 1 (32) 72 other modules 24288 ▶️
49. Crash Cymbal 2 (54) 53 other modules 26420 ▶️
50. Crash Cymbal 3 (10) 64 other modules 29984 ▶️
51. Crash Cymbal 4 (10) 115 other modules 35993 ▶️
52. Chinese Cymbal (54) 24 other modules 16475 ▶️
53. No name 64 other modules 7734 ▶️
54. No name 64 other modules 7734 ▶️
55. No name 64 other modules 7734 ▶️
56. No name 64 other modules 7734 ▶️
61. Bass (c) Seraph Obscuriis 10 other modules 125684 ▶️
62. Bass 10 other modules 171183 ▶️
63. Bass 10 other modules 130084 ▶️


  1. Guitar 1 Rotors
  2. Guitar 2 Rotors
  3. Drum Kit Of Death
  4. Picked Bass

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster