'Paradise bird'

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
1063919 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Modland paradise bird.xm Fasttracker 2/Toal Nkor/
Modarchive paradise_bird.xm XM/P/paradise_bird.xm.zip
Modarchive paradise_bird.xm P/PA/paradise_bird.xm.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. 'Sinelow' - Ana1.1 1 other modules 1203 ▶️
2. Programmed & rendered
3. by TNK in Analogic 1.1
4. 'Da string' - Various 56209 ▶️ 82%:
You're mine
5. Mixed a few Roland d50
6. Korg X5, Gem S2 and
7. analogic 1.1 samples.
8. By TNK.
9. 'Synth bird' - Ana 1.1 2 other modules 13817 ▶️
10. Programmed & rendered
11. by TNK in Analogic 1.1
12. '808 closed hi-hat' 4984 ▶️
13. Rendered in RB338 by
14. TNK
15. 'Juno 106 bass' 6291 ▶️
16. Sample pack
17. Roland D50 (?) 12 other modules 34160 ▶️ 77%:
18. "Top choir"
19. Sampled by Alexel/
20. Realtech
21. 'Ethno drum' - Ana1.1 9817 ▶️
22. Programmed & rendered
23. by TNK in Analogic 1.1
24. 'Halo pad' 68 other modules 29978 ▶️
25. Guspatch
26. 'Claves' - S2 4 other modules 944 ▶️
27. Sampled by TNK
28. from a Gem S2 synth
29. 'Woodblock' - S2 1014 ▶️
30. Sampled by TNK
31. On a Gem S2 synth
32. 'V-Hihat-closed' - S2 2247 ▶️
33. Sampled by TNK on a
34. Gem S2 synth
35. 'Breakbeat snare' 3778 ▶️
36. Sample CD
37. 'House claps' - S2 5156 ▶️
38. Sampled by TNK from a
39. Gem S2 synth
40. 'Analogbest' - Ana1.1 32978 ▶️
41. Programmed & rendered
42. by TNK in Analogic 1.1
43. 'Birds 1' - Quackery 1 other modules 103037 ▶️
44. Sampled by TNK
45. 'Strange waveseq 6' 3 other modules 12979 ▶️
46. Sampled by TNK
47. < Lizardking's CD >
48. 'Birds 2' - Quackery 2 other modules 93102 ▶️
49. Sampled by TNK
50. 'Big the seven 4' 3 other modules 88994 ▶️ 93%:
51. Mixed a Korg X5 pad &
52. an analogic 1.1
53. rendered sound. The
54. result was then put
55. through a resonant
56. filter. By TNK
57. 'Starwind' - Ana 1.1 14 other modules 19088 ▶️ 82%:
58. Programmed by TNK
59. In Newstyle Analogic


  1. - Paradise bird -
  2. By TNK / Rlt^Dzn^Caf.
  3. released for Corinne's
  4. 22th birthday.
  5. Big big kisses go to :
  6. - CORINNE and MURIEL -
  7. Greetz-->
  8. Maf, CyberZip, Twiggy,
  9. Wain, Pollux, Awesome,
  10. Falcon, Synergy, TSK
  11. & All in my groups.
  12. Contact me :
  13. tnk@realtech.scene.org
  14. or
  15. philmeis@mail.
  16. dotcom.fr
  17. Snail :
  18. Philippe Meisburger
  19. 44 Rue de Huningue
  20. 68128 Village-Neuf
  21. France
  22. This song was made 4
  23. Corinne's 22th
  24. birthday anniversary.
  25. BTW, the "paradise
  26. bird" refers to her
  27. and not to a real
  28. bird !
  29. While listening to
  30. that song, imagine
  31. yourself lying on a
  32. beach, close to a
  33. tropical forest. You
  34. can hear the
  35. mysterious sounds of
  36. the exotic birds all
  37. around. These sounds
  38. have something really
  39. enchanting, that
  40. attracts you into the
  41. forest, into the realm
  42. of the paradise bird.
  43. As you can imagine, I
  44. ** Love ** hot
  45. tropical places...The
  46. summer is too short
  47. here...even if we have
  48. beaten our temperature
  49. record (+38 celsius
  50. degrees shadowside).
  51. the summer just
  52. started one week ago
  53. and is already
  54. finnished by now...
  55. Even if this little
  56. week was very hot,
  57. it was not enough for
  58. my sun-thirst. And the
  59. weather forecast say
  60. it's going to rain
  61. again...the real
  62. summer is already
  63. over...
  64. I tried to make the
  65. lead theme sound like
  66. bird tweets...did I
  67. succeed ?
  68. The samples come
  69. from packs/patches
  70. or were made by me
  71. (Gem S2 + Korg X5 +
  72. Analogic 1.1) The
  73. exact credits can be
  74. found in each sample
  75. (In FT2)
  76. Go on, use my samples
  77. they are here for
  78. everyone !!!
  79. I've just downloaded
  80. some ASM'98 entries
  81. and they all rock!!!
  82. Congrats !cube for
  83. that nice Vangelis-
  84. like piece!
  85. Congrats quasian for
  86. your guittarish System
  87. 51!
  88. And congrats to Prism
  89. for his unexpected
  90. surprise...no,
  91. inspiration was not 0!
  92. Thanks to all for
  93. listening/reading that
  94. mod !
  95. Length --> 6:03
  96. TNK__________13/8/1998
  97. (One day after summer)
  98. Tracked on the
  99. shores of the
  100. 'Lago di Quackery'...
  101. They've got a Linux
  102. server on St-Martin
  103. (Caribbean sea)!!!

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster