Sucide Express.
Original by Tony Crowther (ratt)
This version by A Life in Hell/Warriors of the Wasteland
(c) 1997, ZoD Technologies inc.
Warriors of the Wasteland - Now kicking ass on a PC and 64 near you!
Yo's go out 2: The whole damn W.o.W. Crew (you know whu u r),
unfy, tig2, Jad, Timers, Funky Cold Medina, L'elephant, the Lama, the
LLama, and the Lllama (there's no lllama with 3 l's?), the Moose, Dynamis,
PJM, Danz, and everyone else ever ever ever ever ever ever ever.....
Oh yeah... a big thanks to ratt for making this cool c=64 tune... i
throlhly reccoment u listen to it night and day..... (it was one of the
first gamez i ever had on the c=64)...
- A Life in Hell/WoW