| Synphonica | ...Version 1.0
BY: GLC ...Member of Trance Clan
(GLACIER) http://tranceclan.listen.to
http://glc.listen.to | Released - 1 September 2000
keldonb@yahoo.com | Original - "Synphonica" by DJ Quicksilver
ICQ - 41476666 | Duration - 4:43
-----------------------| Filesize - less than 1 meg!
| Style - Clubtrance
*** Greets *** |For more great trance music, web design \
Mysterium, Devic, |stuff, humour, winamp skins, graphics, \
Barbarian Sandwich, |the Trance LiVe radio website, & much, \
R.E.N.E., T.O.M. |much more, go to http://glc.listen.to \
Roncli, Wight, | Please give feedback via email or TIS public review! |
OnneW (Attalanta), |------------------------------------------------------/
Slice, Jazzman, | *Use MMX filters, or it sounds messed up!* /
Julius North, | ...also sounds slightly better in Modplug /
Dragonfire, | Player (www.modplug.com) than in Winamp... /
Homesickalien, | /
Beatfreak, DJ Alle, | In total it has taken me over 35 non-stop /
The Deekay (Attalanta),| tracking hours to complete this song, /
D Fast, Wight... | using Modplug Tracker, Cool Edit 2000, /
Everyone else I know | Wavesurround... /
from TIS Starchat & | /
Musicanswers, everyone | Please tell your friends to download |
in the tracking scene | this off www.traxinspace.com or my |
in the world | website! |
(especially South | |
Africa) and everone | |
else I know! | Don't forget to visit Trax in Space... |
| leading the free music revolution! |
All U South African | http://www.traxinspace.com |
trackers, I wanna hear | |
from U! | SYNPHONICA! |
>>> I WILL BE BACK!!! <<<