Laserium 2: Underground

Impulse Tracker 2.14v3 IT 2.14
2039322 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


    -  - -- ---=--=-===-====-=================-====-===-=--=--- -- -  -

                     .   ... ... ... ... . . . .. .. .
                     .   ...  .. ..  ... . . . . . . .
                     ... . . ..  ... . . .  .  .   .

       ... . . ...   . . .. . ... ... ... ...  ... ... . . .. . ...
        .  ... ..    . . . .. . . ..  ... . .. ... . . . . . .. . .
        .  . . ...    .  .  . ..  ... . .  ... . .  .   .  .  . ..

    -  - -- ---=--=-===-====-=================-====-===-=--=--- -- -  -

                          C O M P O S E D   B Y :

                    M E T S Y S   /   S E t   /   I M M

      T H E   S A T E L L I T E   E N T E R T A I N M E N T   T E A M

           T H E   I N T E R N E T   M U S I C   M O N I T O R S

   -  - -- ---=--=-===-====-=================-====-===-=--=--- -- -  -

      Check our the Official Satellite Entertainment Team Home Page!


                  Also don't forget to go to the IMM!


 I am open to all CONSTRUCTIVE critisism, ideas, suggestions, and so on...

                            So mail me at...



After you slam against the metal floor of the tunnels below the city, you

stand in a frightful silence as the guard shines his light through the

drain where you fell.  Your heart is pounding so loud that you fear that

the sound alone would be enough to give away your very presence.

You realize that you haven't been fed for days.  But hunger was not what

concerned you now.  After they have left, you try and get a bearing on

where you are now.  You don't think it could have gotten any darker than

how it was outside.

You pull out a small lighter, which you used to burn an inmate's hand

earlier that week.  The lighter doesn't help much, but at least you can

see a few feet in front of you.  You look around for some markings to tell

you where you are, but it seems as if none of the markings want to help

you.  All you have are enemies: The Prison, The City, and even The Sewers.

The only thing that has helped you so far is your luck and the darkness

that is covering the city.  However, you know that both of these will

leave you soon.  Your luck and time are almost gone.

You finally come across on helpful sign, which has been partially rubbed

out by time.  The words "L.I.C. 5 MILES EAST" are the only comforting

words you've seen or heard all night.  You assume the liquid you see below

is coming from the complex, so you gather enough strength to walk in that


You hear all of the activity above.  The sirens, the shouting, and the

helicopters make you wonder how you are going to get out of this mess

alive.  As you walk down these seamlessly never-ending tunnels, it gives

you enough time to plan how you will get out of the city.  "All I have to

do is get to the Industrial Complex, and then hitch a ride in a

transport," you think to yourself.  You still can't believe how scared you

feel.  You can't stand it, but you must go on.

You then come across a dead end.  There are no markings whatsoever here. 

All you hear is a low rumble up above.  You see a ladder reaching up the

side of the tunnel.  You start to climb, thinking that after that much

walking that you must have walked 5 miles.  You finally lodge it open, and

as you pull yourself up you emerge in the middle of the street.


Well, it all started when I wrote the whole five part story of Laserium.

This is the second part in the series where our fugitive escapes, and

hides in the sewer system in an effort to get to the L.I.C. (Laserium

Industrial Complex).  I wanted something that was slow, a bit depressing,

and freaky.  I wanted to get the picture across as well as possible

through the music.

I then tryed to find some music that had the same feeling that I wanted to

create.  The closest I found was the Half-Life soundtrack, so I used that

as a model.  The first idea turned out to be nothing but sound effects and

a few chords... it was pleasing to the ears and had an original sound to

it, but I couldn't make a full length song out of it.

I then started another song that had some aspects from the original, but I

would use all the usuall elements of music that you would usually find

(lead, chords, bass, percussion).  I started with a really cool drum beat,

then added the chords (it took me forever to find the right sample because

I didn't want it to be a string pad), and improvised a melody.  The song

really started to take life after that point.

I did some new tricks in the song, as well as some old ones stolen from

"Ashen Skies" (like that stupid fade-in, fade-out with the cymble between

sections).  This is another song that I composed without the aid of

CakeWalk.  I'll try and use CakeWalk more often as a composition tool

(like what I did with "Ashen Skies" and "En Route").  Seeing the notes

right in front of you and using the MIDI keyboard instead of entering in

values to compose really makes a difference.  No, I'm not going to be

converted to .MIDs, but composing using CakeWalk is much quicker.

I learned quite a bit composing this song, and hopefully the quality will

increase also.  My plan is to release just one more song before I have to

go back to school again (oh goodness no, the summer is almost over).


Brad Smith for telling me to "compare yourself to the professionals and

not the amateures."  For is guidence, professional expirience, and


Nightwalker for re-writing the storyline (to see the completed, fully

revised and edited versions of the storyline, go to and see

Laserium's info page when it goes up).

All the people who actually like my music, and all my fans (HAHAHAHA...

<ackem>... sorry), the guys at SEt, the guys at the IMM, and all of our

regular web page visitors.


The "Soundwave Sample Collection" CD by Chad Gould, "Incubuss" by Siren

from the Oracle Music Disk (probably the best tracked music ever made),

"Groovy Joint" by Virt, "Flow Moon" by Mellow-d, "Nocturnal Intruder",

"CDAGAME.S3M", "Flowers in the Abyss", and "Suburbia / High Hopes" by

Basehead, , my older songs, Sinistar Unleashed, and the rest by me (the

ones with the "*" by it).  The ones with the "M" are modified.

This song didn't turn out as bad as I thought it would.  Well, enjoy and

I'll be seeing ya next tune!

- Glen Moyes (Metsys)
  ICQ: 20906082


If you didn't get the quote in the sample area, watch The Fugitive.


Source Name Folder
Modarchive IT/M/
Modarchive M/MT/
Altered Perception Archive m/



# Name Used in Size
1. Metal Drone SW 298000 ▶️ 67%:
Thanks for watching!
2. Sinistar Chord * 11736 ▶️
3. AB KeyChord 3 other modules 27881 ▶️ 79%:
4. Isotoxing Metal Noises 41 other modules 48000 ▶️
5. Isotoxin approaches 9 other modules 11230 ▶️
6. Nice kickie 202 other modules 5366 ▶️
7. Metal noise 19 other modules 110035 ▶️ 67%:
Thanks for watching!
8. Street Chord 31 other modules 43232 ▶️
9. Hihat Closed 42 other modules 3300 ▶️
10. Modified Snare (reverb) M 50407 ▶️
11. Bright Hihat 2 other modules 11162 ▶️
12. Generic Snare 41 other modules 7238 ▶️
13. Snare/Cymble 11 other modules 19284 ▶️
14. High Snare 39 other modules 20464 ▶️
15. Synth Pad 40 other modules 18078 ▶️
16. Reversed Cymble 5 other modules 61300 ▶️ 68%:
Thanks for watching!
17. Umm... some thingy. 2 other modules 11552 ▶️
18. Dark Hihat 328 other modules 2514 ▶️
19. HOUSE Bass * 58120 ▶️
20. Meditation * 251476 ▶️ 71%:
Thanks for watching!
21. After Glow * 218280 ▶️ 62%:
Thanks for watching!
22. AIRCHIOR1 Low * 92686 ▶️ 75%:
We Peters
23. AIRCHIOR2 High * 73132 ▶️ 88%:
f Title 3
24. Rev Pingpong Cymble 222 other modules 51338 ▶️ 68%:
Thanks for watching!
25. Flowing Drumloop 6 other modules 74319 ▶️
26. MT Breath * 2 other modules 82458 ▶️ 82%:
27. BH Breath 5 other modules 19113 ▶️
28. _______________________
29. / \
30. --=-== Laserium 2 ==-=--
31. -= The Underground =-
33. Composed By:
34. Metsys / SEt / IMM
36. Time 5:50 Ambient
37. \_______________________/
39. Official Release
40. August 8, 1999
43. Another SEt Release!
46. Visit the SEt Home Page!
49. Visit the IMM Home Page!
54. ICQ: 20906082 as Metsys
57. I've been improving on my
58. drum patterns quite a bit
59. through this song.This is
60. actually the second time
61. writing this song. The
62. first idea I came up with
63. was just sound effects &
64. some chords. Then I came
65. up with the idea of
66. having a cool drum beat
67. with smooth ( but not a
68. string) pad for the
69. chords, and a flute for
70. the lead. I figured if
71. tunnels could talk they
72. would have a sound like
73. that.
75. There were many sources
76. of inspiration for this
77. tune, most of them came
78. from the Half-Life sound
79. track. As for the story,
80. well.. watch The Fugitive
81. and Shawshank Redemption
82. (I think that is how it's
83. spelled).
85. I will take a break from
86. the Laserium Project and
87. work on some other tunes.
88. Since I'm comparing my-
89. self to the professionals
90. instead of the amateures
91. I'm going to try a
92. different approach to
93. composing my music.
95. "We've got a gopher!"
97. - Metsys August/8/1999
99. (c) 8/8/1999 Glen Moyes


  1. Metal Drone SW
  2. Sinistar Chord *
  3. AB KeyChord
  4. Isotoxing Metal Noises
  5. Isotoxin approaches
  6. Nice kickie
  7. Metal noise
  8. Street Chord
  9. Hihat Closed
  10. Modified Snare (reverb) M
  11. Bright Hihat
  12. Generic Snare
  13. Snare/Cymble
  14. High Snare
  15. Synth Pad
  16. Reversed Cymble
  17. Umm... some thingy.
  18. Dark Hihat
  19. HOUSE Bass *
  20. Meditation *
  21. After Glow *
  22. AIRCHIOR Instrument *
  23. Rev Pingpong Cymble *
  24. Flowing Drumloop
  25. MT Breath *
  26. BH Breath
  27. _______________________
  28. / \
  29. --=-== Laserium 2 ==-=--
  30. -= The Underground =-
  31. Composed By:
  32. Metsys / SEt / IMM
  33. Time 5:50 Ambient
  34. \_______________________/
  35. Official Release
  36. August 8, 1999
  37. Another SEt Release!
  38. Visit the SEt Home Page!
  40. Visit the IMM Home Page!
  43. ICQ: 20906082 as Metsys
  44. I've been improving on my
  45. drum patterns quite a bit
  46. through this song.This is
  47. actually the second time
  48. writing this song. The
  49. first idea I came up with
  50. was just sound effects &
  51. some chords. Then I came
  52. up with the idea of
  53. having a cool drum beat
  54. with smooth ( but not a
  55. string) pad for the
  56. chords, and a flute for
  57. the lead. I figured if
  58. tunnels could talk they
  59. would have a sound like
  60. that.
  61. There were many sources
  62. of inspiration for this
  63. tune, most of them came
  64. from the Half-Life sound
  65. track. As for the story,
  66. well.. watch The Fugitive
  67. and Shawshank Redemption
  68. (I think that is how it's
  69. spelled).
  70. I will take a break from
  71. the Laserium Project and
  72. work on some other tunes.
  73. Since I'm comparing my-
  74. self to the professionals
  75. instead of the amateures
  76. I'm going to try a
  77. different approach to
  78. composing my music.
  79. "We've got a gopher!"
  80. - Metsys August/8/1999
  81. (c) 8/8/1999 Glen Moyes

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