Last Ninja 3 Temple Of Void (HKvalhe's Amiga Edition) @ 2018 By HKvalhe
Temple Of Void is a 4-channel ambient Amiga track, very close and faithful to
the C64 original of Last Ninja, played in the very last level called Void.
Before Facebook or any gets thinking this is spam, then I can safely assure
all of you that it's NOT, because the music behind this project is composed
by me - Helge Kvalheim of Bergen City of Norway, on an AMIGA.
There will always be some who doesn't like my work, while others will love it.
We all have different tastes, but to say a track sounds like shit when one can't
even argument why, it's just plain stupid and gives an impression of jealousy.
If you are one of these thinking my work is a bad one, then I have a challenge for
you. Why not try yourself to compose a better version of the same track I did, which
you might claim is a bad one, and see if you actually can do it better ;) If you can,
then I will be very impressed and I might learn something new. But if you fail to do
so, then remember the next time to think carefully before you make comments ;)
Hope you'll like this tune, as lots of hard work has been put into this one.
Inspired by the C64 original composed by Reyn Owenhand
Amiga version of the track composed by Helge Kvalheim