Probability | Text |
75% | I found these uses now! I think I know what's left of happening. He's building his house, Mr. Michael. I don't gotta do it! He's only going. You sure? Mm-hmm. You mean, you're stepping up right now to come from now on? Would that fill the water for you? | ▶️ |
77% | You are listening to the legal free, I don't think we have a chance to make out We are the answer all of our users, in Romania, in the South, yeah We use the same power as a situation in the case of the South, like the South, yeah We founded our house in Romania, how to Canada, Ohio, Ghana, France, India, in Canada, and other You, Romania, and the South, yeah You are the only one who stands by our side Please, like and subscribe, now I'm the truth | ▶️ |
72% | I don't think they're 50 years old now! He is doing very well, he Esports joining me now! I see 90 years old. I know that god | ▶️ |
70% | Walking along on my own, anticipating the trouble at home. Right now I just need to wander. I just need to wander. Are you leaving? But I don't think I care. I think I'll be happy with you out of my hair. I said you won't. Drag me under. You won't. Drag me under. I need to be free. | ▶️ |