
42 bytes
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Used in 1 modules

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ZAPOUT.MOD already realised.dis

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22%because if you havent▶️
22%but it was done on▶️
22%already realised.dis▶️
22%No name▶️
22%tune, to use it in▶️
22%and to chipper/desire▶️
22%maj grine maj te d0de▶️
22%mdrummer of skid row▶️
22%noisetracker. its▶️
22%No name▶️
22%noisetracker. its▶️
22%is chip music.▶️
22%but it was done on▶️
22%rune johansen▶️
22%No name▶️
22%dont forget to credit▶️
22%....... arkham ......▶️
22%are marvellous!!▶️
22%called femurbundle by▶️
22%l.dredd of silents▶️
22%noisetracker. its▶️
22%No name▶️
22%me !!!▶️
22%triton pyro easy and▶️
22%------) kr'33 (------▶️
22%mijn nederige leventje!▶️
22%i make a tiny fanfare▶️
22%gnn of dual crew▶️
22%is chip music.▶️
22%No name▶️
22%your own productions,▶️
22%greetings go to▶️
22%-> youre tussu-tunes▶️
22%made for the axispack▶️
22%tristar and redsector▶️
22%but it was done on▶️
20%already realised.dis▶️
20%need all these silly▶️
20%because if you havent▶️
20%No name▶️
20%if you rip this cool▶️
20%little pack of bytes▶️
20%another cool chippy!!▶️
20% chipmodule no.22▶️
20%little piece of bits▶️
20%greets to all xtdguys▶️
20%mutant chips...??"▶️
20%elef..the no.1 greets▶️
20%"zapped out" de 4-mat▶️
20%is chip music.▶️
19%noisetracker. its▶️
18%chip music writers▶️
18%need all these silly▶️
18%presents another▶️
18%date: 12.nov.1991▶️
18%No name▶️
18%kane wood from arkham▶️
18% presents▶️
18%yep. this time i hit▶️
18%made this tune called▶️
18%this piece is still▶️
18%supplex..for tunes ca▶️
18%because if you havent▶️
18%chip music writers▶️
18%chip music !!!!!!!!!!▶️
18%No name▶️
18%real mod name?▶️
18%hope you enjoy this▶️
18% a long story▶️
18%hey hope you enjoy▶️
18%u with a happy time!!▶️
18%"attack of the killer▶️
18%ll o712176586 ask for▶️
18%samples prov. de:▶️
18%chip music writers▶️
17%need all these silly▶️
17%brings to the scene▶️
17%No name▶️
16%already realised.dis▶️
16%i dont see why we▶️
16%No name▶️
16%-wizeguy- of -e o n -▶️
16%composed by......▶️
16%contact me for any▶️
16%reason under........▶️
16%this little tune.was▶️
16%estrayk of darkness!!▶️
16%(c) by beathoven 1991▶️
16%by omc of argon▶️
16%blk 1992▶️
16%by redor of▶️
16% jaw / effect / dbpp▶️
16% k n k / x t d▶️
16%eddie of balance dk▶️
16%: radical rhythms▶️
16%music!!! all the same▶️
16%pepe of hdl [may'92]▶️
16%burn 'out in-game #17▶️
16%composed by wotw of▶️
16% = blue/llfb=▶️
16%i dont see why we▶️
16%i dont see why we▶️
16%No name▶️
16%No name▶️
16% chip-composing !!▶️
16%: the unconsciousness▶️
16%contact me via email:▶️
15%because if you havent▶️
15%by klorathy / tc▶️
14%No name▶️
14%No name▶️
13%No name▶️
13%No name▶️
12%No name▶️
12%No name▶️
11%No name▶️
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster