Probability | Text |
88% | We know this will be easy, we will try not to skip it, skip it, we will try to stop | ▶️ |
93% | In the yard of just the 190 Hey! It's not easy you see The sure of the day And the day for the VR We are so excited We can workoma-a-a-a-ale | ▶️ |
97% | It's not an easy thing to meet your maker. And what could he do for you? And the maker repair what he makes. You were made as well as we could make you. But not to last. A light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burned so very, very brightly Roy. | ▶️ |
88% | We choose to go to the moon, and then this became and do the other thing. Not because they are easy, but because they are hard. | ▶️ |
92% | Easy, here we go. | ▶️ |
93% | Andy, no! Please! We're friends to the end. Remember? It's easy, Andy friend. | ▶️ |
96% | Hampack is my green nigga, so you gotta figure out what this game is all about No doubt racing all around just like diving round and round about Being number one might look very easy, but doing it in real is really sleazy Hampack knows the shit to good and bad for his mood, so we gotta get some food In here a pertain is part of the game to get into the whole thing This is the solution and not some abuse, young Cause in this case self pollution is the way to get up to the top | ▶️ |