Probability | Text |
97% | This is Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise. Captain, we are being hailed. Yes, I know that data, but what could it be? A phone call? Unknown, sir. Ratchet is scanning us. But is it alive? It is a life form and it has intelligence. How do you know, sir? It's trying to communicate with us. Oh, how touching. Quite stimulating, wouldn't you say? Indubitably. | ▶️ |
100% | With all due respect sir, I believe this is going to be our finest hour. | ▶️ |
98% | You needn't check any further sir You proved to me that all this ultraviolet's and killing is wrong Wrong and terribly wrong I've learned the essence sir I see no one I've never seen before I'm cured, praise God | ▶️ |
100% | And suddenly, in front of me, I see a big fish, sir. I'm afraid I get past it, seems to wait. Anyway, I don't have the choice. If this is all we kill, I head straight down, and land on the other side! | ▶️ |
93% | Engineering Captain Kirk. Kirk, what is this guy? I'm ready to try it when you are, sir. | ▶️ |
96% | Is this a new garden, sir? I'll certainly use it, sir. Still got that smell. | ▶️ |
100% | This is not very expensive, Sir Madam. | ▶️ |
98% | Sir, this place is dead. Whatever happened to you, I think we missed it. | ▶️ |