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optimum grind v1.1.mmd0

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100% And this is man.

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99% First, I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the Earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind or more important for the long-range exploration of space, and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish. We propose to accelerate the development of the appropriate lunar spacecraft. We propose to develop alternate liquids and solid fuel boosters, much larger than any now being developed, until certain which is superior. We propose additional funds for other engine development, and for unmanned exploration. Expirations which are particularly important, for one purpose which this nation will never overlook, the survival of the man who first makes this daring flight. But in the very real sense, it will not be one man going to the moon. We make this judgment affirmatively, it will be an entire nation, for all of us must work to put him there.▶️
100% This is TL Love, boys. I'm a take charge kind of girl. I'm a woman who likes it on top. I love the idea of completely overpowering and controlling the man in bed. The more pleasure I give him, the more pleasure it gives me. Call me and tell me how you like it in bed.▶️
100% lease the door and I'll be with your cat camera and pay my man my pleasure time and have to make this software work I can't bring up with your channel and the hand to strip the shop and sell black that is what I want to get to your own cache▶️
100% I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal before this decade is out of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth.▶️
96% Who is this ghastly man? Ace Ventura pet detective! And you must be the Monopoly guy! Hey, thanks for the free parking!▶️
100% And like that just seems to be a bunch of pictures are dead. This is a lot here. Secret shame. Man, this is gonna want to load. Guys! Wow. Just fuck the DSI. Hot screen. It sucks. There's a crappy system. What else is here? Let's go to uh... There's a lot of crap in here. Gander bender chain. Oh, this is gonna be good. Wow. No stealing. Draw your own seeds or have a seconder. No stealing. No hating. And I can't go more. I can't do more. This isn't just cancer. Yeah. Fuck the DSI. The crappy system. No, you don't see. I'm going crunchy real quick. Wow. Why is there really heroes in this crappy techno duct that needs a good auto tune? And look, man. Real serious crap. Screw it. I'm just gonna try off the 3D. I mean DSI. This is just stupid. Tuna Memo's crap. It just is. Don't even bother with it. Unless you want a cringe because that's the only thing Tuna Memo is good for. That's all I have to say. Thanks for watching. And I'm done with this. This is just a nightmare of cringe.▶️
98% And like that just seems to be a bunch of pictures are dead. This is a lot here. Secret shame. Man, this is gonna want to load. Guys! Wow. Just fuck the DSI. Hot screen. It sucks. There's a crappy system. What else is here? Let's go to uh... There's a lot of crap in here. Gander bender chain. Oh, this is gonna be good. Wow. No stealing. Draw your own seeds or have a seconder. No stealing. No hating. And I can't go more. I can't do more. This isn't just cancer. Yeah. Fuck the DSI. The crappy system. No, you don't see. I'm going crunchy real quick. Wow. Why is there really heroes in this crappy techno duct that needs a good auto tune? And look, man. Real serious crap. Screw it. I'm just gonna try off the 3D. I mean DSI. This is just stupid. Tuna Memo's crap. It just is. Don't even bother with it. Unless you want a cringe because that's the only thing Tuna Memo is good for. That's all I have to say. Thanks for watching. And I'm done with this. This is just a nightmare of cringe.▶️
97% This is a weird little story about man who lived in Ban of War where everybody had a bad tummy and everybody cracked hips cause it was a heaven for healing.▶️
100% I gotta admit man, after a smooth song like that, it makes me wanna... Huh? Oh, hey there little kitty. I got a present for you. Let me pull this out. Oh my god. Yeah, what are you doing? That's my Maira meat. No man, you can't do that to a cat! Oh my god! Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! You might not be doing this! Oh! Look, it's looking like an icicle! Barn! Oh, you sick fuck! The fuck! What is he next dude? Oh, it's bleeding. And a... Oh man! Now I know the girl in the city is swinging! Oh, here it comes! Oh, man! That's what I call... Marnie drenched me the walking maze!▶️
99% I gotta admit man, after a smooth song like that, it makes me wanna... Huh? Oh, hey there little kitty. I got a present for you. Let me pull this out. Oh my god. Yeah, what are you doing? That's my Maira meat. No man, you can't do that to a cat! Oh my god! Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! Oh man! You might not be doing this! Oh! Look, it's looking like an icicle! Barn! Oh, you sick fuck! The fuck! What is he next dude? Oh, it's bleeding. And a... Oh man! Now I know the girl in the city is swinging! Oh, here it comes! Oh, man! That's what I call... Marnie drenched me the walking maze!▶️
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster