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Used in 1 modules

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ave-rho1.s3m toga party.

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90% on the body.

Similar voice to text

92% There's something very important I forgot to tell you. What? Don't cross the streams. Why? It would be bad. I'm fuzzy on the whole good-bad thing. What do you mean bad? Try to imagine all life as you know it, stopping instantaneously, and every molecule in your body exploding at the speed of light. Total protonic reversal. Right, that's bad. Okay, important safety tip. Thanks, E. Garak.▶️
93% I like the music, what I'm saying I like the feeling, the soul of my thing It makes me feel like running Out on the dance floor, moving to the beat Tear it out, wear it loose, down and up Give it to yourself every body Get up high and in, love a crowd Get up low, get up high, love a crowd▶️
93% Take germs for a second. Germs? Huh? Eighteen century? No such thing. Nothing. We don't have a magic such thing. No same person. Ah! Ah! Welcome to the start of... Ah! Ah! Ah! Similarize. Similarize. Similarize. He's trying to convince people of a doctor's name. They're doing a skinny tiny physical path. They call germs. They came to your body and make you sick. He's trying to get doctors to wash their hands. What is this guy? Crazy? A teeny tiny physical? What he called germs? Huh? What? Now! I go in, I order a burger, and it's fast food joint. The guy drops it on the floor. Jim. He picks it up. He wipes it off. He hands it to me. I just all okay. What about the germs I say? He says, I don't believe in germs. Germs just a plot they made up. So they can sell you just with batman's and slits. Now! He's crazy, right? Oh! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!▶️
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster