Probability | Text |
94% | Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, man. You don't want to do that. Get the hell out of here, man! | ▶️ |
89% | This is P. Rose, a space soldier from the planet of your galaxy. I fully realize our language differences. However, I also know you finally have perfected the digital literature. Or as you on Earth call it, the language you do. So you can now understand that which I speak. Since the beginning of your time, we have been far beyond your planet. It has taken you centuries to even grasp what we developed eons of your years ago. Do you still believe it impossible we exist? You didn't actually think you were the only inhabited planet in the universe. How can any race be so stupid? Permit me to set your mind at ease. You don't have to conquer your planet. Only save it. We could have destroyed it long ago if that had been our aim. Our principal purpose is friendly. I admit we had to take certain means, but you might refer to us as coming. But that is because of your big guns which have destroyed some of our representatives. If you persist in denying us all our language, then we must only accept that you do not want us on friendly terms. We then have no alternative but to destroy you before you destroy us. | ▶️ |
92% | I never fucked anybody over in my life. Didn't have it coming through. You got that? All I have in this world is my balls and my word. And I don't break them for no. Do you want to stay? | ▶️ |
94% | Jenny Jamison is porno. All the time. Day and night, 24 hours. I love sex, and I'll probably be that way until I die. But you don't want to let your friend take a step? That's too bad. I can't. I'm a normal girl, I guess. I like to be with my family. I like being with my friends. I like to shop. I like to laugh. Do you have some puppies or something? Probably. I like to be on the dance floor. And now that I've been working so much, I haven't been able to be on so much as I'd like to. You know, take the classes that I'd like to be with you. But, um, maybe when I get some free time, I'll start out my ballet again. But, um, until then, maybe once. When did you say you wanted to be the best actress in the porno picture? After Luma? When do you think it would take you? Um, I think I'm the best right now, but it's just going to take me a while to get my name out there and let everybody know that I own the best. Um, I just, I want everybody to know how much I enjoy it. And that, you know, I'm not in it for the money. I'm not in it for all the wrong reasons. I'm in it because I enjoy what I'm doing. And I think it comes through in my living. | ▶️ |
97% | A lot of people ask me stupid fucking questions. A lot of people think that what I say on record, or what I talk about on a record, that I actually do in real life, or that I believe in it. Or if I say that I want to kill somebody that I'm actually gonna do it, or that I believe in it. Oh shit, if you believe that, then I'll kill you. | ▶️ |
94% | that you want to do. | ▶️ |
97% | We want to find as direct evidence as we can that a massive compact object, a dark star, is pulling on a companion star. So the way to do that is to measure the motion of the companion star. Since you can never directly take a photograph of a black hole, it just appears black, the best you can really do is measure its influence on material around it. We can then look for minute shifts in the color of the light coming from the star. And if these shifts are found and they go back and forth periodically, then that's an indication that something is tugging on the star. | ▶️ |
97% | We want to find as direct evidence as we can that a massive compact object, a dark star, is pulling on a companion star. So the way to do that is to measure the motion of the companion star. Since you can never directly take a photograph of a black hole, it just appears black, the best you can really do is measure its influence on material around it. We can then look for minute shifts in the color of the light coming from the star. And if these shifts are found and they go back and forth periodically, then that's an indication that something is tugging on the star. | ▶️ |
98% | 1187, Hunter-Voss. That's the hotel, what? Where I live? Nice place, I sure guess. Is that part of the test? No, just warming up, that's all. It's not fancy or anything. You're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all this is the test now? Yes, you're in a desert, walking along in the sand when all of a sudden you look at it. What world? What desert? Doesn't make any difference what desert is completely hypothetical. But after my breathing, maybe you're fed up. Maybe you want to be by yourself, who knows? You look down and you see a tortoise, Leon. It's crawling towards you. Tortoise? What's that? You know what a turtle is? Of course. Same thing. Never seen a turtle. But I understand what you mean. You reach down and you flip the tortoise over on his back, Leon. You make up these questions, Mr. Holden, and they write them down for you. The tortoise lays on his back, his belly baking in a hot sun beating his legs trying to turn himself over, but it can't. Not without your help. Would you not help him? What do you mean I'm not helping? I mean you're not helping. Why is that Leon? They're just questions, Leon. In answer to your query, they're written down for me. It's a test designed to provoke an emotional response. Shall we continue? Describe in single words only the good things that come into your mind. About your mother? My mother? Yeah. Let me tell you about my mother. | ▶️ |
94% | Just what is it that you want to do? | ▶️ |