Probability | Text |
75% | I found these uses now! I think I know what's left of happening. He's building his house, Mr. Michael. I don't gotta do it! He's only going. You sure? Mm-hmm. You mean, you're stepping up right now to come from now on? Would that fill the water for you? | ▶️ |
80% | I'll be there for sure | ▶️ |
79% | In the yard of just the 190 Hey! It's not easy you see The sure of the day And the day for the VR We are so excited We can workoma-a-a-a-ale | ▶️ |
74% | Thank you for watching, and be sure to Senator | ▶️ |
83% | It's left to rest withILL THE kilometers Be sure to subscribe today. Thanks for watching! Co Apostles | ▶️ |
74% | for me but sure, so nice so your every fabulous Put some on you | ▶️ |
76% | Sometimes the edge of the world is quite empty, except for the blue heron picking her way sure-footed, one long leg after another, at low tide inspecting the eelgrass. She is my secret, and my heart steps high and lightly with her. Sometimes the edge of the world is allied with children, the tide pools untidy with little boats, stone circles, the beach a whole noisy continent of castles. Sometimes the sun gets to going down there, out in the bay, the blue heron is sleeping, and the beach slides out from under us in molten gold and amber and burnished brass, and tips us over into darkness. | ▶️ |
80% | How will the ice cream maker be able to playerize, make sure, like, even the ankalovars for everyone? by an immense amount of the info | ▶️ |