Probability | Text |
78% | BVERF Well that's just another video! Those are things we really like after much of the day. Let's watch and watch! Well that was from the Monday of September on Until Now, I lost a little bit of time and that makes sense. | ▶️ |
77% | Over a 60 mileshy distance from work sucks out all i can say removed here | ▶️ |
72% | That was a game from neuroscienceV | ▶️ |
79% | Ge Aud representing the Florida region from front of Queens | ▶️ |
71% | From that point I'm a risk management | ▶️ |
72% | 30 seconds and counting. Astronauts report it feels good. T-minus 25 seconds. 20 seconds and counting. T-minus 15 seconds. Guidance is internal. 12, 11, 10, 9. Ignition sequence start. 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Zero. All engine running. Lift off. We have a lift off. 32 minutes past the hour. Lift off in Apollo 11. Yeah. Power plant. You can roll from me. The arms on reporting the roll image program is put to Apollo 11 on proper heading. | ▶️ |
79% | Where I'm from, I heard what you said and I saw what you do when y'all | ▶️ |
78% | Polina descent from St.rying the land! | ▶️ |
74% | I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I came out from Eastside Highway. | ▶️ |
77% | You wanna hear a little blues from me? | ▶️ |