Probability | Text |
96% | So for the first time, it's the role of laughter! All that we do but this myself, child, your mind is in your eyes, yeah! | ▶️ |
94% | Jenny Jamison is porno. All the time. Day and night, 24 hours. I love sex, and I'll probably be that way until I die. But you don't want to let your friend take a step? That's too bad. I can't. I'm a normal girl, I guess. I like to be with my family. I like being with my friends. I like to shop. I like to laugh. Do you have some puppies or something? Probably. I like to be on the dance floor. And now that I've been working so much, I haven't been able to be on so much as I'd like to. You know, take the classes that I'd like to be with you. But, um, maybe when I get some free time, I'll start out my ballet again. But, um, until then, maybe once. When did you say you wanted to be the best actress in the porno picture? After Luma? When do you think it would take you? Um, I think I'm the best right now, but it's just going to take me a while to get my name out there and let everybody know that I own the best. Um, I just, I want everybody to know how much I enjoy it. And that, you know, I'm not in it for the money. I'm not in it for all the wrong reasons. I'm in it because I enjoy what I'm doing. And I think it comes through in my living. | ▶️ |
99% | Rhonda block don't stop what it takes For the sign that makes you see It's designed to fetch your mind One time | ▶️ |
100% | Some skager have shown up in the factory halls. Reports put the count at no more than a handful, which is good. The squad's too green for a real fight. They can use all the trigger time they can get. Still can't shake the feeling that we're in it deeper here than anybody. | ▶️ |
99% | I got a special set that I will show you the set that is the special set that you bought that I will show you the set that I will show you the set that you bought. It's time for the special set. | ▶️ |
95% | And that's it for today, we'll see you next time! | ▶️ |
100% | In the past and the future, you're all alone, yeah. But is it time that you have a defeat for your rep's for pure swoon? | ▶️ |
98% | Anybody wanna waste some time? The answer says that this is the time we should do it now. She's gonna put a bullet in her blood. This body has lost three kids, and has got some unbelievable shit. Right? Okay, Mary, we get this idea. How is it? I forget a piece of this stuff. We can cut it up and dump one of my new problems. Then we give us a pair of pure, retired, pure, dead leaves. We're back to this. Let's give it up for our master, the audience is trying to push it. What's the catch? | ▶️ |