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it was dark.xm Voiced by _Matt_

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83% Do you want it?

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83% Stay there. Wait! Do you want to see what it takes to find the true Agent Maul? Do you want to know the things I know?▶️
83% If you're as bad at everything else as you are at holding up stores and making up names, you know what you want to do? You gotta take that gun, put it in your mouth, and let the hammer fly.▶️
84% I want to find out if you don't get it, you need to do it. I wish this was your act, that's why it's not me, I just need a note.▶️
87% Just what is it that you want to do?▶️
83% But you're zerched, how do you want it done? I prepared a scallop for that motherfucker. If Butch goes to Indochina, I want a nigga hiding in a bowl of rice ready to pop a cap in his ass.▶️
87% And like that just seems to be a bunch of pictures are dead. This is a lot here. Secret shame. Man, this is gonna want to load. Guys! Wow. Just fuck the DSI. Hot screen. It sucks. There's a crappy system. What else is here? Let's go to uh... There's a lot of crap in here. Gander bender chain. Oh, this is gonna be good. Wow. No stealing. Draw your own seeds or have a seconder. No stealing. No hating. And I can't go more. I can't do more. This isn't just cancer. Yeah. Fuck the DSI. The crappy system. No, you don't see. I'm going crunchy real quick. Wow. Why is there really heroes in this crappy techno duct that needs a good auto tune? And look, man. Real serious crap. Screw it. I'm just gonna try off the 3D. I mean DSI. This is just stupid. Tuna Memo's crap. It just is. Don't even bother with it. Unless you want a cringe because that's the only thing Tuna Memo is good for. That's all I have to say. Thanks for watching. And I'm done with this. This is just a nightmare of cringe.▶️
79% You go call for the president to speak out and say, you know, yes, so Arafat must do it. Must speak out, must make the statement, and must put an end to this violence. You have to remember, Arafat's the one who's got these training camps for Palestinian children, teaching them how to kill Israeli children. I mean, this is not what we want to tolerate. We need to make a very strong safe statement. It seems to me if you don't stand for something, you'll put up with anything. And I think that that's what we want to do.▶️
82% I don't think it helps if a pig loves a pig. I don't think my pig would want to make love tonight, give it a big. Sure they would. But you're gonna have to get him in the mood. Well how do we do that? Do what I do. Get him good and drunk.▶️
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster