Shiva 2.0.4
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 684451 bytes
- BPM:
- 150
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 22
- Song Length:
- 36
- Samples:
- 35
- Instruments:
- 67
- Patterns:
- 14
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 287
- SHA1:
- fefb1c61c0fdb14bda43be989237e40204193acd
- MD5:
- 49f2103b04f10a1cde912fb24e19f1dd
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
shiva2.xm |
XM/S/ |
Modarchive |
shiva2.xm |
S/SH/ |
Modland |
shiva 2.0.4.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Jonemaan/ |
- High Pling
- String
- goakick3.xi
- Bd_75
- goa-kick.xi
- Hi-Hat 3 - 1
- Snare
- Dirty String
- E-Guitar 10
- Genesis String
- Hihat (longer)
- House tone
- Chipsound 03 - 06
- ----- uuh -----
- This is a remix of
- Shiva made by me
- 1.5 years ago.
- I'd like to dedicate
- this song to Samor.
- Without him I would
- never begin to even
- try FastTracker 2,
- which is my favourite
- tracker nowadays.
- It didn't take long to
- finish this song.
- Read more information
- about Shiva in (the
- antique :) ) Shiva.mod
- Jonemaan,
- Original (c) Sega /
- Yuzo Koshiro 1992.
- 0202 2000 2.0.0
- 658419 (size). Kewl
- date! Changes: All!
- 0302 2000 2.0.1
- 659236. Very little
- changes.
- 0802 2000 2.0.2
- 659561. Changes in
- pattern 02.
- 1002 2000 2.0.3
- 660066. Very little
- changes. Kewl size!
- 2504 2000 2.0.4
- 684352. Late bug fix
- release & Added old
- pattern 02 at 4th
- part (some ppl liked
- that one better).
- Note: The actual song
- is only 1/4 length of
- this XM but you
- probably already
- noticed that. This
- will be my last
- release of Shiva 2....
- (also added "uuh")
- ----- uuh -----
- (For best sound, play
- this song in Fast
- Tracker 2.)
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