moRNiNg shADoWs
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 1065794 bytes
- BPM:
- 170
- Speed:
- 3
- Channels:
- 30
- Song Length:
- 83
- Samples:
- 45
- Instruments:
- 128
- Patterns:
- 72
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 2131
- SHA1:
- fece5ebd3620d2c602a1085ea89ed83d021e0eb9
- MD5:
- 25c46d89d0d39da9e676b3d71f3fbf76
Source | Name | Folder |
Modland | morning shadows.xm | Fasttracker 2/Mad Process/ |
# | Name | ST name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | bum bum... bum bum | 1 other modules | 7505 | ▶️ | ||
2. | nuiuumiuinumunuim | 22389 | ▶️ | |||
3. | plifniinplifnii | 36721 | ▶️ | |||
4. | oooooaahhh! | 4 other modules | 197473 | ▶️ | 71%:
5. | tschinketschinke | 68726 | ▶️ | |||
6. | jjjjjjddddee! | 20207 | ▶️ | |||
7. | ooaaeeeiiieeeaaaooo | 126198 | ▶️ | 87%:
Thanks for watching!
8. | dium dium dium | 11792 | ▶️ | |||
9. | ||||||
10. | ||||||
11. | dpschi dpschi | 6 other modules | 5110 | ▶️ | ||
12. | tscheuieh scheuieh | ST-67:housescratch1 | 158 other modules | 2980 | ▶️ | |
13. | shtahh! | 27 other modules | 4794 | ▶️ | ||
14. | flieum | 2 other modules | 1782 | ▶️ | ||
15. | ||||||
16. | bum! | 9290 | ▶️ | |||
17. | bom! | 9601 | ▶️ | |||
18. | shtack! | 11422 | ▶️ | |||
19. | nnnanaloguennn | 15526 | ▶️ | |||
20. | ta! | 9651 | ▶️ | |||
21. | tschik | 4818 | ▶️ | |||
22. | ritsh! | 5644 | ▶️ | |||
23. | tshhhhhhhh | 8458 | ▶️ | |||
24. | tin! | 1 other modules | 5699 | ▶️ | ||
25. | tinnn! | 9178 | ▶️ | |||
26. | teuuuun! | 1 other modules | 8204 | ▶️ | ||
27. | stinn! | 6523 | ▶️ | |||
28. | psthnp | 6008 | ▶️ | |||
29. | cshihhh! | 16198 | ▶️ | |||
30. | cshaaaah! | 33586 | ▶️ | |||
31. | ||||||
32. | ||||||
33. | ||||||
34. | hhhheuip! | 11422 | ▶️ | |||
35. | hhhhheooop! | 15526 | ▶️ | |||
36. | hhsshhshhppp! | 9651 | ▶️ | |||
37. | sshhhHH! | 8458 | ▶️ | |||
38. | ftpshit! | 6008 | ▶️ | |||
39. | ||||||
40. | dreuum drooone! | 16416 | ▶️ | |||
41. | bass takes control | 44354 | ▶️ | 99%:
Our stay still is home.
42. | open your brain! | 24531 | ▶️ | 85%:
Open your brain!
43. | ||||||
44. | ||||||
45. |
- moRNiNg shADoWs
- by mAD prOCeSs
- of KaOTyk brEiN
- **********************
- SAtURNE 4 Multichannel
- **********************
- Jungle bass (sine)
- Morning sound 1
- Morning sound 2
- Fog
- Fog support
- Vintage sound
- SweepString
- SQ Bass
- Scratch pull twice 1
- Scratch pull twice 2
- Scratch full stop
- Scratch pull once 1
- Jun BD 1
- Jun BD 2
- Jun BD 3
- Jun BD 4
- Jun BD 5
- HH closed 2
- HH closed 4
- HH open 2
- Jun SD 1
- Jun SD 2
- Jun SD 3
- Jun SD 4
- T8 SN 3
- Crash
- Crash long
- Jun BD 3 bkw
- Jun BD 4 bkw
- Jun BD 5 bkw
- HH open 2 bkw
- T8 SN 3 bkw
- Sample beppo (FahrUz)
- Voice 1
- Voice 2
- 90% of aLL saMPles
- by Me
- moST froM Yamaha CS1x
- duE to haZardouS
- reSUlts encouNTered
- duRiNG seVERaL plaY-
- baCKs, foLLow THesE
- inSTRuctiOns for A
- beTTer sOUnd:
- do NEVER put THe
- voLume To the maX in
- FT2 nor in CUbiC.
- BooST the Bass AS the
- GUS mixeR haS quiTe a
- poOR sounD in thESe
- reGiONs :)
- do noT stoP thE moDUle
- eveRY stEP anD go, As
- soME souNDs lasT for
- seVEraL patteRNs and
- YOu won'T heAR thEm
- afTEr :(
- NEVER play MonO!
- i'LL kiLl you foR that
- :) I spenT too muCH
- tiMe arraNGiNg it For
- yOu to FuCk up
- eVErythiNG wiTh a SB!
- btw, aLL thE saMPleS
- weRE 16bit anD i kinDa
- hAD to shRinK'eM to
- fiT inTO thE GUS :>
- soRRy for thAt.
- anD by THe waY, thE
- fiRsT paTTerN is ASCii
- arT, sO plEAse enjOy.
- contact:
- kaotyk.brein
- you'VE founD yOUr
- DruM n BAss god :)))
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