Sex, Money & Murder.
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 725978 bytes
- BPM:
- 200
- Speed:
- 3
- Channels:
- 14
- Song Length:
- 67
- Samples:
- 18
- Instruments:
- 20
- Patterns:
- 49
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 673
- SHA1:
- fdec8740e9e238efa409eb83f1b13441b3b27679
- MD5:
- 94977662f2a5095b3e1716b7712a9951
Source | Name | Folder |
Modland | sex, money & murder.xm | Fasttracker 2/Keith303/ |
Modarchive | sex_money_murder.xm | XM/S/ |
Modarchive | sex_money_murder.xm | S/SE/ |
# | Name | Used in | Size | |
1. | humanoid.juno1 | 7 other modules | 11709 | ▶️ |
2. | humanoid.juno2 | 6 other modules | 11846 | ▶️ |
3. | K303.hall.bass | 1 other modules | 7258 | ▶️ |
4. | humanoid.juno3 | 19377 | ▶️ | |
5. | K303.909hihat | 3 other modules | 14060 | ▶️ |
6. | dune.perc14 | 48 other modules | 6366 | ▶️ |
7. | TrinomicSawwave1 | 117 other modules | 21059 | ▶️ |
8. | K303.punkassbitch | 69983 | ▶️ | |
9. | silverstance.lead | 12 other modules | 31304 | ▶️ |
10. | K303.hc-snare | 24 other modules | 13152 | ▶️ |
11. | K303.nightvision.1 | 6 other modules | 8860 | ▶️ |
12. | K303.nightvision.2 | 6 other modules | 4222 | ▶️ |
13. | K303.nightvision.3 | 6 other modules | 4413 | ▶️ |
14. | K303.dutchhcwave | 1 other modules | 30501 | ▶️ |
15. |! | 3 other modules | 20974 | ▶️ |
16. | | 8 other modules | 12837 | ▶️ |
17. | K303.klbz.clap | 3 other modules | 9328 | ▶️ |
18. | K303.punkassbitch | 2 other modules | 109841 | ▶️ |
- .Composed by
- .Keith303 of
- .Radical Rhythms
- .Anarchy pc
- .Blank(255)
- .Moz(IC)art!
- .( play with ft2 to
- . avoid clicks )
- .think it was about
- .time to do some
- .commercial
- .hardcore / rave
- .shit again...
- .hope this ain't to
- .fast for you and your
- .feet!
- .beats you up
- .for 5:15m!