The Night I Died
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 1146797 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 32
- Song Length:
- 30
- Samples:
- 23
- Instruments:
- 61
- Patterns:
- 18
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 545
- SHA1:
- f5ac94c02898f78f5a3715209c2c3049e638727a
- MD5:
- 7845cd7c25630806b59b31010adc5a18
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
idie.xm |
XM/I/ |
Modarchive |
idie.xm |
I/ID/ |
- J/M/T/M Pre$ent$:
- "The Night I Died"
- FILE INF0 * * * * *
- $tyle: Ambient
- Length: 3:50
- DOB: 2003.08.17
- Ye$, It has finally
- happend, I died, g0t
- a $w0rd plunged
- right thr0ugh my
- $t0mach, hah, it'$
- quite ir0nic, I alway$
- fancied my$elf a$ a
- rather g00d fighter!
- But n0w,I'm dead, well
- n0t c0mpletely dead
- yet, that i$, I'm t00
- weak t0 m0ve, all I
- can d0 i$ lie here 0n
- the r00f and watch the
- night sky until I
- $l0wly but $urely
- bleed t0 death fr0m my
- gut wound.
- A$ I watch the $ky and
- the $tar$, I realize
- that a great calm ha$
- de$cended up0n me,
- I can feel the tide$
- 0f the univer$e in
- uni$0n with me, I feel
- the $tar$ twinkle and
- I d0n't fear death at
- all n0 m0re.
- The $tar$ turn 0ver
- my head, and I feel
- light like a feather,
- and I feel my life
- $l0wly fading away
- int0 the night...
- The night c0me$ and
- pull$ me t0 her b0z0m
- a$ I draw my final
- breath, cl0$e my eye$
- and die at0p the r00f
- $0 high.
- [END]