solo se trat..(lito)
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 41975 bytes
- BPM:
- 108
- Speed:
- 5
- Channels:
- 16
- Song Length:
- 33
- Samples:
- 8
- Instruments:
- 21
- Patterns:
- 32
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 497
- SHA1:
- f5713c7c4ac5312d8e47a69a69fd0bb3881bfe14
- MD5:
- c45a28021abce238858e65997508d2eb
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
uc-solo.xm |
XM/U/ |
Modarchive |
uc-solo.xm |
U/UC/ |
Modland |
solo se trat (lito).xm |
Fasttracker 2/Uctumi/ |
# |
Name |
Used in |
Size |
1. |
@unknown |
4 other modules
106 |
2. |
(edit) |
3. |
@unknown |
4 other modules
106 |
4. |
(edit) |
5. |
No name |
21 other modules
228 |
6. |
bombo |
2 other modules
928 |
7. |
No name |
6 other modules
1674 |
8. |
No name |
3 other modules
720 |
- Solo se trata de vivir
- [reprise]
- tracked by uctumi
- original by
- Lito Nebbia
- [25.11.2001]
- This is my chip mod
- version of this
- amazing song of this
- great argentinian
- composer. Hope you
- enjoy it, and if you
- don't know the
- original, get the mp3
- from audiogallaxy
- or something. Or buy
- the CD of course.
- greetz, uctumi.
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