Fuk Em Up, Buttercup!

OctaMED Soundstudio MMD3
1471846 bytes
Song Length:
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Short:    Fuk 'Em Up, Buttercup!  A 30 min stomp
Uploader: hotcakes@abacus.net.au (Hotcakes)
Author:   DJ Hotcakes (Toby Zuijdveld)
Type:     mods/techn/

NOTE : I have no plans for a FastTracker 2 release of this tune.  If
        you have no OSS player, then visit
        http://abacus.net.au/hotcakes or http://www.octamed.co.uk/
        and follow the appropriate links.  The full OSS beta archives
        can be downloaded from the OctaMED site, however, there are
        standalone OctaMEDPlayers that can be found on the filez
        links on my site (Which, in the case of the IBuM, seem to
        work better than the full program [which is what's supposed
        to have had all the bugfixes?:)]) Alternatively if you email
        me I can send the player to you direct...

NOTE ALSO : I am no longer putting my new tunes online for the public,
                except to my friends on the mailing list...  this means
                YOU! =] Please don't redistribute it.

Well, this one has been waiting a -long- time to be released, I had this
section I wanted to sing vocals for and when I finally got round to sampling
myself, well, MAN!  I STINK!!!

So here's the instrumental ;]

I started this tune a day or two after First Contact, I came home with so
many ideas and so much inspiration I couldn't actually sleep...  so I
spent the next week tracking em all down, and, well, here's the result.  A
huge 30 min romp around the room.  Play with superwoofers -on-!  =]

Hey, uhhh, if this one's too slow for ya, pop into SoundStudio and do the
following : go to the Tempo window, click the LPB (Lines Per Bar) slider up
one (to 5), then go into the Song Properties (or Options) window, and click
the Play Transpose slider up by 4 (to 4)...  this will change the BPM from
120-148 to 150-185.  If you still want it faster than that...  god help
you. =] Hello Ewan ;]

Greets go to all in CnBInc and Paranoia, in particular Midnight
Flip, cBa, DJ K-0S, DJ Siege and DJ Raptor...  and to the others I
know of, but not of their handles ;]

This one's for Gerri, the only person I know who can literally dance the
night away without taking hardly any breaks...  you're curazee, gurl...

Want to contact me for any reason?  No, didn't think so.  :)

You can send EMail to me at : hotcakes@abacus.net.au

You can view my homepage at : http://abacus.net.au/hotcakes

CATchas Round.


Source Name Folder
Modland fuk em up, buttercup!.mmd3 OctaMED MMD3/DJ Hotcakes/
Modarchive np_fukemupbuttercup.med MED/N/np_fukemupbuttercup.med.zip
Modarchive np_fukemupbuttercup.med modarchive_2009_additions/MED/N/np_fukemupbuttercup.med.zip
SOAMC= mmd3.np_fukemupbuttercup soamc/000/AMIGA/OctaMED_SoundStudio/Unknown_Composer/



# Name Used in Size
1. No name 17 other modules 6120 ▶️
2. No name 2 other modules 18470 ▶️
3. No name 1 other modules 37734 ▶️
4. No name 17520 ▶️
5. No name 17520 ▶️
6. No name 2 other modules 17520 ▶️
7. No name 2 other modules 17520 ▶️
8. No name 1 other modules 57784 ▶️
9. No name 1 other modules 34956 ▶️
10. No name 1 other modules 39910 ▶️
11. No name 2 other modules 18432 ▶️
12. No name 3 other modules 9266 ▶️
13. No name 4 other modules 7826 ▶️
14. No name 3 other modules 7826 ▶️
15. No name 2 other modules 7826 ▶️
16. No name 4 other modules 3112 ▶️
17. No name 2 other modules 18018 ▶️
18. No name 2 other modules 8184 ▶️
19. No name 3 other modules 3234 ▶️
20. No name 2 other modules 18432 ▶️
21. No name 3 other modules 2728 ▶️
22. No name 2 other modules 18432 ▶️
23. No name 7294 ▶️
24. No name 16384 ▶️
25. No name 1 other modules 2514 ▶️
26. No name 2 other modules 18432 ▶️
27. No name 11 other modules 2370 ▶️
28. No name 1 other modules 62690 ▶️
29. No name 46690 ▶️
30. No name 28406 ▶️
31. No name 19 other modules 3994 ▶️
32. No name 122 other modules 10650 ▶️
33. No name 10650 ▶️
34. No name 10650 ▶️
35. No name 10650 ▶️
36. No name 10650 ▶️
37. No name 28500 ▶️
38. No name 28500 ▶️
39. No name 1 other modules 47874 ▶️
40. No name 45590 ▶️
41. No name 56002 ▶️
42. No name 19 other modules 2086 ▶️
43. No name 4 other modules 1430 ▶️
44. No name 11 other modules 1212 ▶️
45. No name 8 other modules 2114 ▶️
46. No name 8 other modules 16118 ▶️
47. No name 8 other modules 33492 ▶️
48. No name 11900 ▶️
49. No name 3 other modules 24602 ▶️
50. No name 1 other modules 5546 ▶️
51. No name 1 other modules 5488 ▶️
52. No name 11902 ▶️


  1. formerly known as..
  2. dreamfish! / mono
  3. Copyright 1995
  4. this is true minimal
  5. techno.
  6. this track started
  7. with a sample from
  8. Welcome to the
  9. Dark side
  10. filtered it to create
  11. a clanky hard-edged
  12. sound (sample 3).
  13. the rest you'll have
  14. to work out yer self.
  15. Glock_Low
  16. surf the mono website
  17. www.scene.org/mono
  18. Glock_5th
  19. Glock_4th
  20. 27
  21. watch out! protraka
  22. smp.SSD_12
  23. Askin Nicely
  24. 2O
  25. smp.SSD_03
  26. NiceBaseDrum
  27. SirensL
  28. SirensR
  29. Crash Cymbal 2
  30. NRGChords1
  31. NRGChords2
  32. smp.SSD_04
  33. smp.SSD_05
  34. smp.SSD_06
  35. smp.SSD_07
  36. smp.SSD_08
  37. smp.SSD_0D
  38. so become a belviever
  39. Ravechord
  40. Raverounddown

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