# |
Name |
Used in |
Size |
1. |
___________________________ |
1 other modules
24595 |
2. |
No name |
1 other modules
5733 |
3. |
The Mysterious Mouse |
21 other modules
1661 |
4. |
by Mystical/Purple |
11 other modules
1324 |
5. |
___________________________ |
15 other modules
5806 |
6. |
No name |
12 other modules
242 |
7. |
Composed on 26/11-94 |
3 other modules
4054 |
8. |
9. |
10. |
This one took 34 mins |
11. |
to create... |
12. |
___________________________ |
13. |
14. |
For sane music, contact: |
15. |
16. |
Mystical/Purple |
17. |
Asbjoern Andersen |
18. |
Baekkelundsvej 47 |
19. |
8240 Risskov |
20. |
Denmark |
21. |
22. |
E-mail address: |
23. |
24. |
mystical@inet.uni-c.dk |
25. |
26. |
___________________________ |
27. |
28. |
'ello to Jazz/Diffusion |
29. |
___________________________ |
30. |
31. |
32. |
33. |
This one is strange indeed! |