Basty/TuC presents:
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..... . . ... . . . . . ..... ... ..... . . ....
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IT2.09+ required (due to Volume column slides) !
Composed from March, 1997, the 21st to the 22nd.
Total composing time was about 5 hours.
Playing time: 3:47 mins
Channels used (Host/Virtual): 8/24
Style: Some kind of Pop-Trance (don't know to assign it)
Samples: ZaSTaR & Chris Jarvis.
You surely noticed that this one is not only a bumm-bumm tekkno trax. As
I said in Eternal Trance (Get it, NICE MELODY !), it was my probably last
sequel from "Calls from Raveland": "Lost In Raveland", so you will soon
get a new amazing rave song from me (again with speech, of courz). I hope
ya found this one pretty good. It's my 2nd IT. It uses the new features
of IT (like NNAs). Note to Jeffrey Lim: Didn't you told, that Panning
swing isn't available ? But it seem to work (yes, this song uses 'em).
Also I found a bug in the famous IT: The following sequence is played in-
C-5 01 .. J37
... 02 .. J37 (Will change the waveform also, but this isn't done in XMs,
... 03 .. J37 MODs, etc.). If no note is played, it should just set the
... 04 .. J37 instrument values to it (incl. envelopes !)
C-5 01 .. J37
I hope you'll fix this (To retain compatibility you should set it to
Old Effects On). BTW: IT is such a wonderful program.
So, but now the FuCKiN' GReeTZ:
All TuC membas, of courz (my own group) !
TRiSTAR RED SECTOR, Inc. (the best scene group in da fuckin' world)
FUTURE CREW (for being the only one high quality PC scene group)
QUARTEX (my uncle was with 'em (Hi, COBRA/BTW) !)
LEVEL FOUR / ALPHA FLIGHT (seem to be dead now, but the Intro I have is
so fantastic (especially the music) !)
OZONE (for da fuckin' C64 demo), and, of courz, all other REBELS membas.
RAZOR 1911 (for da fuckin' hot warez !)
DEFJAM! (4 u nice Future Composer 1.3 music !)
SKiD R0W (4 u hot warez !)
BASEHEAD (for da best S3M in the world, Shades Of Night ][, I love it !)
TRiTON (for FastTracker ][, of courz).
RADiCAL PRoJeKT (Hi, Plasmatic !)
SiLeNT WoRDs (Hi again, Plasmatic !)
JEFFREY LIM (for da nice IT, just a revoltionary tracker)
ZaSTaR (for making my favourite IT, Creations of Gaia (how did u that ?))
CHRIS JARVIS (for da nice IT Pale Dreams)
All I've forgotten in this list and aren't lame in anyway,
You (for listening to this music, even if you found it shit) !
Normal hellos to the following fuckin' people:
Sascha Heu (I'm coming soon again to Berlin, forever (in Summer !))
Katja Schoetz (for being my girlfriend)
All Kelly-Fans (real fans, not these lame Paddy/Angelo screamers !!!),
The Kelly Family (I hope you forget that shitty commercial scene !)
That we're all important greetings (or forgotten somebody ???).
If da want to contact TuC for any reasons (we're looking still for new
membas, especially a PC-Coder for coding being our revoltionary Tracker:
TuComposer (I'm doing the Amiga version). So, if you're a good
Asm/C/Pascaller, contact us. The contact addresses are (sorry no E-Mail):
Multibox Berlin (WhQ): +49(0)30 / 757 03 10 6 (Sysop: MCP)
Land of Mystery (Membaboard): +49(0)30 / 688 49 84 (Sysop: Plasmatic)
Whisper BBS (DiSTR0): +49(0)30 / 617 09 59 (Sysop: Elborn)
You will meet at least me at the Mekka/Symposium'97 (only one week now) !
The TuC membas are currently:
Basty (Coding / Musician / Spreader / Organizer / Swapper)
MCP (Gfx-Artist / Trading / Supplier / Spreader)
Leo (Musician)
Plasmatic (Coder / Musician / ANSI-Artist / Supplier / Spreader / Trader /
Floops (Gfx-Artist / ANSI-Artist / Musician)
Dragon (Coder / Musician / ANSI-Artist / Trader / Supplier / Spreader)
So, I told you now enough (more infos about us in the TuC.NFO). Bye Bye !
:-) Basty/TuC (-: