BioCore System

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.16
247000 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


  |                                                                      |
  |                            THE SPACE RING                            |
  |                     THIRD RING : BIOCORE SYSTEM                      |
  |                     ---------------------------                      |
  |                 Composed by Sphenx (C) 2008 - 2021                   |
  |                   provided under  CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0                    |
  |                                                                      |

| TECH INFO |=================\
\===========/                 |
  |                           |
  | Version : 5.00            |
  |                           |
  | Running Time     : 5:14   |
  | Active Channels  :  64    |
  | Virtual Channels : 256+   |
  | Samples          :  42    |
  | Instruments      :  97    |
  | Patterns         : 50+15  |
  | Resonant Filter  : Sure :)|
  | Playback         : XMPlay |
  |                           |
 |                                                                       |
 | A WORD ON PLAYBACK : This module is very resonant filters intensive   |
 | and I specifically designed it while using XMPlay 3.3 for rendering.  |
 | Using another player may then sound slightly different from what I    |
 | have in ears.                                                         |
 |                                                                       |
  | 03 / 10 : BIOCORE SYSTEM |===========================================\
  \==========================/                                           |
    |                                                                    |
    |  "The Survivors" spaceship was heading for an unknown solar system.|
    | To  survive years in  space, they needed to sustain an artificial  |
    | ecosystem of nature within the ship.                               |
    |                                                                    |
    |  They created the illusion of a piece of living Earth which would  |
    | help  them  provide  kind  of  natural  environment, a place  for  |
    | producing  renewable resources and remembering their home ...      |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |  This  central system  was known as the  BioCore System and was a  |
    | critical part  of the spaceship,  and as such  very important to   |
    | maintain operational at any time.                                  |
    |                                                                    |
    |  Due to  the limited space  of the ecosystem,  mainly vegetables   |
    | were  grown  within the  ship  and  fresh   meat became  food of   |
    | of the past.  Animals would  have taken  too much place.  Though,  |
    | they existed in state  of cryogenized embryos.  All known species  |
    | of animals, along with all fishes, plants, trees  and  such  were  |
    | kept  in  their  most  smallest  possible  form , controlled  by   |
    | the best genetic engineers.                                        |
    |                                                                    |
    |  Then, once they'd  land on  a habitable  planet,  they  would     |
    | artificially  release  all these beings  for a new life.           |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
    |  But ...  sometimes, even  in a long boring  trip among the stars  |
    | something unexpected can happen ...                                |
    |                                                                    |
    |  Field of asteroids, coming from nowhere, at an incredible  speed. |
    | Not possible  to avoid their  passage. The Admiral only hoped for  |
    | the ship to pass through without too much damage ...               |
    |                                                                    |
    |                                                                    |
     / |
    / /
   | /
| NOTES |================================================================\
\=======/                                                                |
  |                                                                      |
  |  Chip tune ... I guess                                               |
  | There is no sample larger than 256 bytes in this one. I really wanted|
  | to work with "simple" waveforms yet shaping them with heavy usage of |
  | filters to get interesting sounds.                                   |
  |                                                                      |
  |                                                                      |
  |  While  developping  it,  I wanted  it  big and  small ! Big like a  |
  | full-length music on its own, and small in file size.                |
  | I then used many tricks to reduce patterns data - while adding more  |
  | and more complexity in the tracks... : repeats and reuses of patterns|
  | using  different instruments  or track  combinations;  I considered  |
  | compressing  the module  as a MO3  (that was  around  60 KB)  but it |
  | somehow damaged the overall sounding so I dismissed that idea.       |
  |                                                                      |
  |  I might  say this module  was 95% completed by 2010 but I was never |
  | satisfied enough to release it, then I had other stuff to manage     |
  | and time passed ... A long time ...                                  |
  |                                                                      |
  |  Well,  so here it is,  but I'm tired to work more on this and left  |
  | some stuff less refined than the other parts ("drums" specially).    |
  | Maybe for a next time.                                               |
  |                                                                      |
  |                                                                      |
  |  Anyway, I hope you will enjoy this as it is ;-)                     |
  |                                                                      |
  |  (Give me 21 SIDs and I would be happy)                              |
  |                                                                      |
| CONTACT |=============================================================\
\=========/                                                             |
  |                                                                     |
  | Let your message travel through the netspace towards this place:    |
  |                                                                     |
  |                                            |
  |                                                                     |


BioCore System
CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0, (C) 2008 - 2021 - Sphenx


Source Name Folder
Modarchive modarchive_2021_additions/IT/S/


# Name Used in Size
1. SPX:Solo Guitar 1 16 16 ▶️
2. SPX:Solo Guitar 2 64 64 ▶️
3. SPX:Dirty Vibrato 128 128 ▶️
4. SPX:Sine C.04 128 128 ▶️
5. SPX:BaseSine 64 64 ▶️
6. SPX:SmartBrass 64 64 ▶️
7. SPX:DownSizedSine 16 16 ▶️
8. SPX:Harp 32 32 ▶️
9. SPX:Chip Noise 128 128 ▶️
10. SPX:RampDown 64 64 ▶️
11. SPX:Bosse 64 64 ▶️
12. SPX:RandomSquare 128 128 ▶️
13. SPX:Noisy Square 256 2 other modules 256 ▶️
14. SPX:Lead+3 64 64 ▶️
15. SPX:MotorChip 32 32 ▶️
16. SPX:Triangle-Semi 16 16 ▶️
17. SPX:TwoDents 32 32 ▶️
18. SPX:Mountain 128 128 ▶️
19. SPX:StepWave 32 32 ▶️
20. SPX:Lead 64 64 ▶️
21. SPX:Ah1 128 128 ▶️
22. SPX:Ah2 256 256 ▶️
23. SPX:Ah3 256 256 ▶️
24. SPX:Oh1 128 128 ▶️
25. SPX:Oh2 256 256 ▶️
26. SPX:Oh3 128 128 ▶️
27. SPX:NoisySine 256 256 ▶️
28. SPX:DistantMotor 256 256 ▶️
29. SPX:LowNoise 256 256 ▶️
30. SPX:NoisyRamps 256 256 ▶️
31. SPX:HardTriangles 64 64 ▶️
32. SPX:Harpsichord 128 128 ▶️
33. SPX:SawTooth 64 64 ▶️
34. SPX:Triangle 16 16 ▶️
35. SPX:Sine 3/2 128 128 ▶️
36. SPX:RampBass 128 128 ▶️
37. SPX:ComplexOne 256 256 ▶️
38. SPX:TextNoise 256 256 ▶️
39. SPX:Lea 64 64 ▶️
40. SPX:So 16 16 ▶️
41. SPX:Double 64 64 ▶️
42. SPX:BaseSine 64 64 ▶️


  1. Chip:Lead
  2. Strings:Pad
  3. Synth:Random Square Ding
  4. Synth:Random Square F
  5. Synth:Noisy Square
  6. Synth:SmartBrass Weird
  7. Synth:SmartBrass
  8. Synth:SmartBrass Soft
  9. Perc:Heart Beat
  10. Perc:Heart Beat
  11. Chip:Noise
  12. Chip:Noise Down
  13. Synth:Triangle Short Dev
  14. Synth:Triangle Short F
  15. Synth:Triangle Short +3
  16. Synth:Triangle Short
  17. Synth:Triangle Short Auto
  18. Chip:Square Bass Short
  19. Chip:Square Bass
  20. Chip:Square Bass LF
  21. Chip:Square Bass +3 LF
  22. Chip:Square Bass +3
  23. Synth:Ramp Bass
  24. Synth:Ramp Bass
  25. Synth:Ramp Bass +3
  26. Str:Mountains F
  27. Str:Mountains Short AutoF
  28. Str:Background Wave
  29. Perc:Drum
  30. Str:Bell
  31. Str:Bell Short
  32. Str:Bell Short +3
  33. Str:Strings
  34. Chip:Flute 2
  35. Chip:MotorChip
  36. Chip:SawTooth 6
  37. Chip:Bass S
  38. Chip:Bass S +3
  39. Chip:Harp
  40. Chip:Mountain Fast F
  41. Synth:Lead Short
  42. Synth:Lead Short +3
  43. Perc:Multi Rythm - 64
  44. Perc:Rythm - 16
  45. Perc:Rythm - 32
  46. Perc:Rythm - 64 Drum
  47. Perc:Rythm - 16
  48. Perc:Rythm
  49. Perc:Drum
  50. Perc:Drum Fast
  51. Strings:Pad F Long ---
  52. Strings:Pad F 00-40
  53. Strings:Pad F 40-70
  54. Strings:Pad F 70-58
  55. Strings:Pad F 58-30
  56. Strings:Pad F 30-00
  57. Strings:Pad F 40-50
  58. Strings:Pad F 50-00 --
  59. Strings:Pad F 00-28
  60. Strings:Pad F 28-80
  61. Strings:Pad F 80-60
  62. Strings:Pad F 60-40
  63. Strings:Pad F 40-30
  64. Strings:Pad F 30-20
  65. Strings:Pad F 20-00
  66. Strings:Pad F 50-70-00
  67. Strings:Pad F 70-20 -
  68. Strings:Pad F 50-20
  69. Strings:Pad F 10-30
  70. Strings:Pad F 25-50
  71. Bass:NoisySquare
  72. Bass:Acid0
  73. Bass:Acid1
  74. Bass:Acid2
  75. Bass:Acid3
  76. FX:Drill to Left
  77. FX:Drill to Right
  78. Voice:Ah1
  79. Voice:Ah2
  80. Voice:Ah3
  81. Voice:Oh1
  82. Voice:Oh2
  83. Voice:Oh3
  84. Perc:Semi Triangle
  85. Perc:Drum
  86. Noise:Bit Fire
  87. Chip:EGuit Lead1
  88. Chip:EGuit Lead1 No Fade
  89. Chip:EGuit Lead1 Fast
  90. Chip:EGuit Lead2
  91. Chip:EGuitar Filtered
  92. Chip:Bubble Echo Slow
  93. Chip:Echo Slow
  94. Synth:Lead Short FF
  95. Chip:EGuit Wah F
  96. Synth:Triangle Short F
  97. FX:Meteor
  98. Fake:Blank
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster