Rudy's nr#50(StarWar

ModPlug Tracker 1.16 XM 1.04
637026 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Welcome to a new song and also a source code
off one of my composing tools.

By the way, each song I make has it's own Quake level build
around it. 'Ewoks VS Quake.' In a few years time when the
NET becomes fast, I will probalby blast the songs thru Inet
live wargames connections.

Below one of my latest source codes:

' Knock yourselfs out. (the Crom design label)
' Visual Basic source code - Mass storage container
' Some minor bugs thru converting but you should know how to
' fix these.
Dim filnam 'filename for datafile
Dim tlt    'name of the form
Dim feed   'linefeed thingy
Dim tkin   'extra setup option

Private Sub Form_Load()
' Change the filename here if run from Visual
filnam = "catast.txt"
a = Command 'make a .bat file for any data file u might need
If a = "" = False Then filnam = a
If a = "" = False Then Call loadit
tlt = "Listbox inc. (Crude) storage system" 'Place your name and\or Email here

Form1.Caption = tlt
feed = Chr(13) + Chr(10)
tkin = 2 '50% o/t screen
' Note that list1(1) is used for the mask and list1(0)
' for the raw data. list1(1) will only diplay the first
' set of characters until a chr(13) code (enter feed)
List1(1).ZOrder ' List1(1) always in front.
End Sub

Private Sub List1_DblClick(Index As Integer)
'Click twice on item to send it to the textbox
Call totext
' You could also for instance copy it directly to the clipboard (!!)
End Sub

Private Sub List1_KeyUp(Index As Integer, KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
' Listbox addition
Select Case KeyCode
    Case vbKeyReturn
        Call totext    'move text to textwindow
    Case vbKeyF3
        Call doinsert(Text1.Text)  'insert text
    Case vbKeyDelete   ' Delete selected text
        Call deleteitem
    Case vbKeyF2       ' Save text to file
        Call saveit
    Case vbKeyF1       ' Load text from file
        Call loadit
    Case vbKeyF5       ' Insert a line
        Call doinsert("----------")
    Case vbKeyF6       ' Insert another line (Do enter anything you like)
        Call doinsert("==========")
    Case vbKeyF7       ' Maximize or not?
        If Shift Then
        tkin = 2: Call Form_Resize
        Call minim
        End If
     Case vbKeyF8        'decrease size of font
        List1(1).FontSize = List1(1).FontSize - 2
        Call Form_Resize
    Case vbKeyF9        ' Increase size of font
        List1(1).FontSize = List1(1).FontSize + 2
        Call Form_Resize
    Case vbKeyF10
        Text1.Text = ""
    Case vbKeyF11
        Call inf        'Show info in text window (if textwindow = empty!!)
    Case vbKeyF12       'No warning, dead end
End Select
Call settitle
End Sub
Private Sub List1_MouseUp(Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer,
' Press da right one to deselect item(s).
If Button = 2 Then List1(1).ListIndex = -1: For i = 0 To List1(1).ListCount - 1:
Call settitle
End Sub
Private Sub Form_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
Call Text1_KeyUp(KeyCode, Shift)
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_KeyUp(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
' This section for the textbox
Select Case KeyCode
    Case vbKeyF3            ' move text from textbox into the list
        Call doinsert(Text1.Text)
    Case vbKeyF2            ' Save text to file
        Call saveit
    Case vbKeyF1            ' Load text from file
        Call loadit
    Case vbKeyF4
        Call coolize        ' Convert text into CoOl ForMatiNG.
    Case vbKeyF7            ' Maximize or not?
        If Shift Then
        tkin = 3: Call Form_Resize
        Call minim
        End If
    Case vbKeyF8            ' decrease size of font
        Text1.FontSize = Text1.FontSize - 2
        Call Form_Resize
    Case vbKeyF9            ' Increase size of font
        Text1.FontSize = Text1.FontSize + 2
        Call Form_Resize
    Case vbKeyF10           ' erase textwindow
        Text1.Text = ""
    Case vbKeyF11
        Call inf            ' Show info in text window (if textwindow = empty!!)
    Case vbKeyF12
        End                 ' No warning, dead end
End Select
End Sub

Private Sub Text1_Change()
' Display realtime information in the form title bar
a = Len(Text1.Text)

Select Case a
    Case Is < 1024
    a = Str(a)
    Case 1024
    a = Str(a) + " - (Just right...) "
    Case Is > 1024
    a = Str(a) + " - (To big for single storage.) "
End Select
Form1.Caption = tlt + " [" + a + " ]"
End Sub

Private Sub doinsert(a)
' This will copy the text inside the listbox
' a = Text1.Text
If Len(a) > 1026 Then
    MsgBox "No bigger text then 1026 characters per item, press Shft+f12 to chec
End If
'If a = "" Then Exit Sub

b = List1(1).ListIndex  'add into listposition
If b = -1 = False Then
    List1(0).AddItem (a), b
    List1(0).AddItem (a)
End If
Call stringdo(a, b)

End Sub

Private Sub stringdo(a, c)
' Reads the first line from the text and uses it as the name
' displayed in listbox 1(1)
For i = 1 To Len(a) 'Loop the text
    b = Mid(a, i, 1)
    If b = Chr(13) Then GoTo itsi 'we have a header line
If c = -1 = False Then 'no selection ?
    List1(1).AddItem (Left(a, i - 1)), c: GoTo ki
    Else 'no selection then insert at end
    List1(1).AddItem (Left(a, i - 1)): GoTo ki
End If
End Sub

Private Sub totext()
' This will copy the selected item(s) inside the textbox
Text1.Text = ""
For i = 0 To List1(1).ListCount - 1
    If List1(1).Selected(i) = True Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text + List1(0).List(
    If Len(Text1.Text) > 59508 Then Exit Sub
a = Left(Text1.Text, Len(Text1.Text) - 2) 'remove last feed
Text1.Text = a
End Sub

Private Sub deleteitem()
' No fun if you cannot edit your menu's
a = List1(1).ListIndex
If a = True Then Exit Sub
List1(0).RemoveItem (a)
List1(1).RemoveItem (a)
End Sub

Private Sub saveit()
' Save the list1(0) to a file
Open filnam For Output As #1
    For i = 0 To List1(0).ListCount - 1
        a = List1(0).List(i)
        For ti = 1 To Len(a)
             b = Mid(a, ti, 1)
             If b = Chr(34) Then Mid(a, ti, 1) = Chr(126)
        Write #1, a
Close #1
MsgBox "saved", 0, "<<"
End Sub
Private Sub loadit()
' Loads a file and puts the text inside the program
a = Dir(filnam)
If a = "" Then Exit Sub
On Error GoTo goti
Open filnam For Input As #1
    While EOF(1) = False
        Input #1, a
        For i = 1 To Len(a)
        If Mid(a, i, 1) = Chr(126) Then Mid(a, i, 1) = Chr(34)
        List1(0).AddItem (a)
Close #1
For ti = 0 To List1(0).ListCount - 1
    a = List1(0).List(ti)
    Call stringdo(a, -1)
MsgBox "loaded", 0, ">>"
Exit Sub
MsgBox filnam
End Sub

Private Sub inf() 'information
If Text1.Text = "" Then

a = List1(0).ListCount 'get entries

For i = 0 To List1(0).ListCount: z = List1(0).List(i): b = b + Len(z): Next 'get

aa = "Number of entries    : " + Str(a) + feed
bb = "Number of characters : " + Str(b) + feed + feed
     cc = "F1        - Load" + feed
cc = cc + "F2        - Save" + feed
cc = cc + "F3        - Add item" + feed
cc = cc + "Delete    - Delete item" + feed
cc = cc + "Dbl click - view item" + feed
cc = cc + "Enter     - view item(s)" + feed
cc = cc + "F4        - Coolize text" + feed
cc = cc + "F5        - Insert Line#1" + feed
cc = cc + "F6        - Insert Line#2" + feed
cc = cc + "F7        - Switch screensize" + feed
cc = cc + "Shft+F7   - Resize current window" + feed
cc = cc + "F8        - Smaller text" + feed
cc = cc + "F9        - Bigger text" + feed
cc = cc + "F10       - Erase text window" + feed
cc = cc + "F11       - Info" + feed
cc = cc + "F12       - Exit" + feed + feed
cc = cc + "Use a t/m z to search for items." + feed
cc = cc + "Use tab to switch windows." + feed + feed
cc = cc + "Just try anything!!" + feed + feed
cc = cc + "CTRL+home = top of document." + feed
cc = cc + "CTRL+end = end of document." + feed
cc = cc + "CTRL+shift+home = select until top." + feed
cc = cc + "CTRL+shift+end = select until bottom." + feed
cc = cc + "" + feed
cc = cc + "Change files using the command line option."
cc = cc + "(Use .bat connections)" + feed + feed
cc = cc + "This program will self destruct." + feed + feed
cc = cc + "Freeware 1999 - r.v.Etten for Crom Design " + feed

'cc = cc + "" + feed

a = aa + bb + cc

Text1.Text = a

End If
End Sub
Private Sub coolize() 'Convert the text into kewl notation.
a = Text1.Text
For i = 1 To Len(a)
    Randomize Timer
    If Fix(Rnd * 2) = 1 Then                    ' every now and then
         Mid(a, i, 1) = UCase(Mid(a, i, 1))     ' change to upper case.
    End If
Text1.Text = a
End Sub

Private Sub settitle() 'Give some form information
a = Str(List1(1).ListIndex)
a = Str(a)
If a = "-1" Then a = "None"
Form1.Caption = tlt + " [" + a + "] "
End Sub

Private Sub minim() 'Switch between maximized (2) and normal (0)
If Form1.WindowState = 0 Then
            Form1.WindowState = 2
            Form1.WindowState = 0
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Resize()
'Scale contents to fit
a = Form1.WindowState
If a = 1 = False Then
    For i = 0 To 1
        List1(i).Left = 0
        List1(i).Top = 0
        List1(i).Width = Form1.Width - 140
        List1(i).Height = Form1.Height / tkin
    Text1.Left = 0
    Text1.Top = List1(1).Height
    Text1.Width = Form1.Width - 140
    Text1.Height = Form1.Height - List1(0).Height - 400
End If
End Sub
' Yes I know. The code is a mess. I am only programming in VB since januari. How
' a DLL is beyond my cup of crack:)


Source Name Folder
Modland rudy's nr#50(starwar.xm Fasttracker 2/- unknown/
Modarchive spartswars.xm XM/S/
Modarchive spartswars.xm S/SP/



# Name Used in Size
1. No name 96660 ▶️
2. for contacting. 36 other modules 2620 ▶️
3. released in 05-1999 62459 ▶️
4. using Modplug (thanks) 53480 ▶️
5. No name 5957 ▶️
6. ntitled 8102 ▶️
7. ntitled 2 other modules 30510 ▶️
8. ntitled 27960 ▶️
9. ntitled 4631 ▶️
10. ntitled 19424 ▶️
11. ntitled 3 other modules 27403 ▶️


  1. PM StringMajor PS
  2. tr26006Drum
  3. Wet kicks
  4. Just snares
  5. Closed hats
  6. Open hats
  7. bell2
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster