The RatFace

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
1395940 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Modland ratface.xm Fasttracker 2/Sodara/



# Name Used in Size
1. Accomp.wav 75710 ▶️
2. Created with
3. Rebirth
4. by RatFace/Smurf
5. Soda1b.wav 1 other modules 74789 ▶️
6. Created with
7. Rebirth
8. by RatFace/Smurf
9. Soda1b.wav 1 other modules 74616 ▶️
10. Created with
11. Rebirth
12. by RatFace/Smurf
13. Soda1b.wav 1 other modules 74962 ▶️
14. Created with
15. Rebirth
16. by RatFace/Smurf
17. Soda1b.wav 1 other modules 74769 ▶️
18. Created with
19. Rebirth
20. by RatFace/Smurf
21. Soda1b.wav 1 other modules 75254 ▶️
22. Created with
23. Rebirth
24. by RatFace/Smurf
25. Soda4.wav 1 other modules 74776 ▶️
26. Created with
27. Rebirth
28. by RatFace/Smurf
29. Soda4.wav 1 other modules 75636 ▶️
30. Created with
31. Rebirth
32. by RatFace/Smurf
33. BassDrum 3291 ▶️
34. by HIGH H/Smurf
35. Created with
36. Stromper Ultra
37. Soda4.wav 1 other modules 74511 ▶️
38. Created with Rebirth
39. by RatFace/Smurf
40. Soda4.wav 1 other modules 74552 ▶️
41. Created with Rebirth
42. by RatFace/Smurf
43. Soda4.wav 1 other modules 74537 ▶️
44. Created by RatFace
45. with Rebirth
46. Soda4.wav 1 other modules 75027 ▶️
47. Created with Rebirth
48. by RatFace/Smurf
49. synth 3155 ▶️
50. from "Paranorm.
51. Activity" by
52. Epsilon
53. hh 1 other modules 4555 ▶️
54. from "Country Man
55. & Old Banjo" by
56. fume/radio
57. hho 2 other modules 11196 ▶️
58. from ?
59. Dish 285 other modules 7488 ▶️
60. from ?
61. synth 11662 ▶️
62. from "Extatik Dreams
63. II" by Geometrica
64. bass 22 other modules 57003 ▶️ 65%:
65. from ?
66. Strings1.S2 4 other modules 37187 ▶️ 74%:
resulting in promised
67. from "Dear Holidays"
68. by Unik
69. crash 47365 ▶️
70. from "Miles" by ErX
71. sd 18 other modules 10251 ▶️
72. from ?
73. bass 3 other modules 7981 ▶️
74. from "Fonk it House"
75. by DJ Boss
76. synth 4568 ▶️
77. from ?
78. XI : Le Keo 9456 ▶️
79. XI : Euji Acha 3970 ▶️
80. x3.orchkit.echo.congo4 3 other modules 20798 ▶️
81. from ?
82. XI : Euji Acha 3334 ▶️
83. leng 140 35229 ▶️
84. smp from HIGH H
85. smps data bank
86. XI : Z-K 1 other modules 4712 ▶️


  1. ----------------------
  2. -----The RatFace------
  3. ----------------------
  4. by
  5. Sodara/Smurf
  6. Termine le Lun 23 Nov
  7. 1998, 23h40
  8. DUREE: 7 min 46
  9. Copyright @ 1998
  10. HANG Sodara
  11. Smurf Productions
  12. Tous droits reserves
  13. Reproduction interdite
  14. RatFace vous presente
  15. son super techno
  16. mix de la mort.
  17. Les smps acids ont
  18. ete crees chez HIGH H
  19. avec Rebirth.
  20. Et comme je me suis
  21. inspire de la techno
  22. commerciale que j'ai
  23. redecouverte grace
  24. a son CD "The Rave
  25. Mission" Vol.12, je
  26. lui mets un big Greet:
  27. $$$$$$HIGH H$$$$$$$$$$
  28. Attention, les plus
  29. futes remarqueront:
  30. J'ai utilise mon
  31. talent de chaipasquoi
  32. dans ce module, et
  33. c'est pour cela qu'il
  34. n'est correctement
  35. jouable qu'avec FT2.
  36. (et encore!)
  37. Je remets chaque fois
  38. les memes patterns
  39. en mettant le crash
  40. ou il faut, les snares
  41. quand il le faut
  42. (j'ai joue avec les
  43. numeros des instrus
  44. et les notes: a vous
  45. d'etudier)
  46. Ce fut un gros effort
  47. je suis content.
  48. Les clementines sont
  49. en voie de disparition
  50. sauvons-les avec
  51. les pingouins.
  52. Les Rats d'egouts
  53. sont succeptibles
  54. aux cris des siamois
  55. qui mangent de l'herbe
  56. oui.

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