Mid Sommar Party!
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 35728 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 3
- Channels:
- 4
- Song Length:
- 24
- Samples:
- 18
- Instruments:
- 52
- Patterns:
- 16
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 61
- SHA1:
- df4e7d20ef5f9f01f70bdf452de0d12636028efb
- MD5:
- 05d038410985a1f19738884a4d4f32f4
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
mrgmid.xm |
XM/M/mrgmid.xm.zip |
Modarchive |
mrgmid.xm |
M/MR/mrgmid.xm.zip |
Modland |
mid sommar party!.xm |
Fasttracker 2/MrGamer/ |
- -= [RKU]MrGamer =-
- -^ Andreas Rohdin ^-
- CultSnare
- CultBassDrum
- Hat
- Bass0
- Lead2
- Lead3
- Cube-*
- Cube--*
- Cube---*
- Cube----*
- Cube-----*
- Bass1
- Bass2
- Snare+Drum
- Cube
- Chrash+Bass+Highat
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~->
- This tune was made
- shortly after
- Midsummer here in
- Sweden. I just had
- to make a memory
- of it. It was like
- this : I was walking
- along the street
- i was drunk as hell
- but was still kinda
- clear in my scull.
- Then i hear these
- girls say "yeah, he
- looked nice!" I stoped
- to have a look around
- "where is the nice
- guy?" i though.
- Then i realized it was
- me, so i got very
- happy :) That is the
- memory. But that one
- of those girs sat next
- to me in the park lat-
- er is nother story. ;)
- E-Mail:
- Mr_Gamer@Hotmail.com
- Mail me goddammed it!
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