Short: Rtr Cyril MMD3 module
Author: OmSLAg van KNoBlet
Type: Mods/Techno
Requires: MMD3 Octamed music module capable player
Music module created by OmSLAg van KNoBlet for release on Real Time
Recording now supplied to aminet S=)
Feel free to distribute on aminet(cd) but all copyright remains
with the authors. Any use other than distribution
on aminet, either in part or in whole, is expressly forbidden without
written consent from the authors.
1998 OmSLAg van KNoBlet
Cyril :Come on you Baggies, pumpkin seeds and Daddies. Mmmmmm!
Diz :Loop based Brummiesque HARD Techno
[ tRACK nAME ] [ aUTHOR/aRTISTS ] [ fORMAT ] [ bPM ]
6. rTr_CYRL.lha
Cyril - OmSLAg van KNoBlet - OctAMEd MMD3 - 148 -
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