
unknown (0891) IT 8.88
6658668 bytes
Song Length:
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 |                                                                    |
 |  Saga Musix presents: Simul8 (4:03)                                |

This year I finally made it to TRSAC for the first time, and  of  course  I
just *had* to participate in the live acid techno compo -  a  unique  compo
where all entries are required to use  some  sort  of  303-like  instrument
and are mixed live by a DJ (lug00ber did the duty this year).
In 2014, 8bitbubsy was experimenting with some acid samples and  he  showed
the result to  me.   The  samples  were  low-quality  MOD  samples,   which
immediately piqued my interest to figure out how to recreate  them  with  a
VSTi - ABL2 at first, and later I tried to recreate the same acid  line  in
The track mostly stayed dormant for the following  years,   until  I  tried
revive it for Deadline 2022 - where I also didn't release it. Now  in  2023
I finally had a very good reason to finish it!
A nice surprise happened at the prizegiving - my track ranked  4th  in  the
compo, but ferris decided to give his  3rd  prize  to  me,   as  his  track
wasn't really an acid track, and my track was his favourite in  the  compo.
Thanks again, this means so much to me! <3
Compared to the version released at the party, I dialled  down  the  master
compressor. The party version was pumping a bit during the M1  piano  part,
which was not intentional.

 -Saga Musix, 12th of November 2023


Greetings fly out to all the fine people I met at TRSAC  2023:
Bombe, d0dge, doc.k, dwarf, emoon, ferris,  grx,   Leia,   Luisa,   Madame,
novdel, Oni, Punqtured, Puryx, RaccoonViolet, Roly, Santa,  soba  violence,
styx, susencrusen, T$, ted,  teo,   ToBach,   vl4d,   vurpo,   yugecin  and
everyone I forgot!


This work is (c) 2023 by Saga Musix and is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Track information:
- Started on the 26th of February 2014
- Released at TRSAC 2023 in the Live Acid Techno Compo, where it ranked 4th
  (or 3rd, see above)
- Final version finished on the 12th of November 2023 (tamed the master
  compressor a bit)

Please use OpenMPT 1.31+ to play this track.


You can contact me via e-mail at
If you want to chat with me...
- Jabber:
- EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez
  (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga)
- IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht
  (Nick = Saga_Musix)

Feel free to visit my websites as well:
- - Here you can download all my music, free
  samples and other stuff. (German and English)
- - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free
  games and applications and other stuff.
- - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :)


Sample credits:

The sources of the samples are indicated in the filename of the samples.
- kb6: From the kb6 drum samples collection.
- Datafile 1 + 2: From the Zero-G Datafile 1 and 2 CDs
- JayB: From JayB's trance sample collection
- ZoeB: Edited by Zoe Blade
- X5DR: From my Korg X5DR
- dfast: Provided by dfast (for a completely unrelated track where it was
  never used!)
- TG77: From my Yamaha TG77
- SQ-R: From my Ensoniq SQ-R
- amen_brother: You know that one.
- JP-8000: From my Roland JP-8000
- freesound: (CC-BY) (CC0)

Take care!


Source Name Folder
Modland simul8.mptm OpenMPT MPTM/Saga Musix/



# Name Used in Size
1. No name 7328 ▶️
2. BDRUM17 1 other modules 23598 ▶️
3. No name 2143 ▶️
4. HHOD6 19322 ▶️
5. Breakbeats 81563 ▶️
6. No name 4150 ▶️
7. JBKick18 586 ▶️
8. Very clear Voice 4 other modules 20450 ▶️
9. STATASA 3078 ▶️
10. NASA Apollo 11 Isolatn ZB 131908 ▶️
11. NASA Apollo 11 Along ZB 72582 ▶️
12. A49 UnivDrKit 129515 ▶️
13. RX7 TAMB 17465 ▶️
14. motif-indianflail 250000 ▶️
15. Solid Bass 036 20000 ▶️
16. Solid Bass 042 20000 ▶️
17. Solid Bass 048 20000 ▶️
18. Solid Bass 054 20000 ▶️
19. Solid Bass 060 20000 ▶️
20. Solid Bass 066 10000 ▶️
21. Voyage 072 100000 ▶️
22. Voyage 078 100000 ▶️
23. Voyage 084 100000 ▶️
24. Voyage 090 180000 ▶️
25. amen_brother 49000 ▶️
26. My Supersaw 060 120000 ▶️
27. My Supersaw 066 110000 ▶️
28. My Supersaw 072 100000 ▶️
29. My Supersaw 078 40000 ▶️
30. My Supersaw 084 40000 ▶️
31. 20223__LG__SubPing02 89484 ▶️
32. 68398__DanielsonIII__Sub_ 94130 ▶️
33. JB_Uplift_06 333696 ▶️


  1. Bass Drum
  2. hat
  3. hat open
  4. Solid Bass
  5. Breakbeats
  6. bass
  7. 303 Line
  8. Kick Attack
  9. Heavenly
  10. Voice
  11. 909 Snare 2
  12. NASA
  13. NASA
  14. 303 Bassline
  15. Crash
  16. Hi Strings
  17. Tambourine
  18. motif-indianflail
  19. Voyage
  20. M1 Organ
  21. amen_brother
  22. 303 Line 2
  23. My Supersaw
  24. M1 Piano
  25. 38702__Argitoth__archi_so
  26. 68398__DanielsonIII__Sub_
  27. JB_Uplift_06
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster