New PoWer MoD
- Format:
- Fast Tracker M.K.
- Size:
- 67248 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 4
- Song Length:
- 20
- Samples:
- 31
- Patterns:
- 10
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 40
- SHA1:
- daad9bbf2b1ac579a6502cf71a69a9b5e446506b
- MD5:
- 9473e44f98e6813101c1ca2dc74b8c6c
Source | Name | Folder |
Modarchive | new_power_mod.mod | MOD/N/new_power_mod.mod.zip |
Modarchive | new_power_mod.mod | N/NE/new_power_mod.mod.zip |
SOAMC= | mod.new_power_mod | 000/AMIGA/Trackers_Modland/Ernest_P._Werll/ |
Modland | new power mod.mod | Protracker/Ernest P. Werll/ |
# | Name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | Guy LeyBoVIch | 119 other modules | 3130 | ▶️ | |
2. | (Ernest.p.WerLL) | 90 other modules | 9900 | ▶️ | |
3. | BROugHT To You NoTHer | 143 other modules | 7400 | ▶️ | |
4. | GReaT MoD | 12948 | ▶️ | 89%:
Ladies and gentlemen!
5. | I Hope Ull Like iT | 24 other modules | 7202 | ▶️ | 57%:
Ah yeah!
6. | LaiDHer... | 303 other modules | 2300 | ▶️ | |
7. | --------------------- | 135 other modules | 8280 | ▶️ | |
8. | ReLease By THe: | 74 other modules | 2300 | ▶️ | |
9. | New PoWEr GeNErATiOn | 138 other modules | 2464 | ▶️ | |
10. | --------------------- | ||||
11. | |||||
12. | |||||
13. | |||||
14. | |||||
15. | |||||
16. | GRtZ_ | ||||
17. | EvRyOne I KnoW... | ||||
18. | ERaN BerNArd. | ||||
19. | --------------------- | ||||
20. | |||||
21. | |||||
22. | |||||
23. | |||||
24. | |||||
25. | |||||
26. | |||||
27. | |||||
28. | |||||
29. | |||||
30. | |||||
31. | Ernest.p.WERLL |
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