Coast Drive(Extended Mix)

unknown (0891) IT 8.88
15361809 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


 |                                                                    |
 |  Saga Musix presents: Coast Drive (Extended Mix) (8:26)            |

This is the extended mix of my  entry  for  the  streamed  music  compo  at
Revision 2018. Already before the compo  it  was  clear  to  me  that  this
track deserved an  extended  mix,   since  the  song  structure  was  quite
condensed. Thus, I decided to prepare a longer version of  this  track  for
the upcoming Sound of SceneSat Vol.4 compilation.

In the end, I proooobably went a bit over the top - with  about  eight  and
a half minutes of playtime, this accidentally  became  the  second  longest
track  I  have  ever  released  (and  probably  the  longest   one    worth
mentioning). At the beginning I just wanted  to  loosen  the  overall  song
structure a bit, but in the end, lots of new ideas were added  compared  to
the original compo cut. 

This track started as a quick  experiment  with  some  sweet  fifth  chords
using the Roland D-50's Soundtrack patch together with some  crispy  trance
bass, a swinging ride cymbal line and the XV-5080's "Jimmee Dee" patch.   I
think it progressed quite nicely from there.

-Saga Musix, 29th of April 2018


Greeting fly out to everyone at Revision 2018, in particular:
AceMan, Alkama, Alpha C, bacter, Bartman, Beftex, benJam,   bitch,   Bombe,
Break, bundy, cce, cgi,  Charlie,   cupe,   Curt  Cool,   D. Fox,   Dascon,
deltafire, DJ Joge, dojoe,   draugven,   EAT-DRINK-FUCK,   emoon,   ferris,
fizzer, FRaNKy, Gargaj,   Gasman,   h0ffman  /  Logicoma,   halcy,   havoc,
HellMood, IndustrialPope, Jasmin68k, jco,  K-T,   Kabuto,   kaomau,   keen,
killerspoon, Koltes, Kuemmel, Kusma, Kylearan, lambdacore,  lft,   Lia-Sae,
LiSU, LJ, losso, lotek, Luisa, Lycan,  madame,   MadenMann,   maep,   manx,
marlitt, mbb, Medo, megmeg, MissCtrl, Mithaldu,  mog,   mouldyCat,   Moule,
muhmac, nekomono, Netpoet, nightmare, nnorm, noby, novel,  oerg866,   OhLi,
okkie, Oni, phz, Pro, provod, psykon, Punqtured, Puryx, Ramses, RbR,  rc55,
Rene, rimina, RoccoW,  ronny,   sensenstahl,   Seven,   Starchaser,   styx,
susencrusen, T$, ted, tenfour, Tibou, Titus, TMA,  Topy44,   Unlock,   urs,
v3nom, Vickey, Virgill, wobble, wrl, x0r, xTr1m, xtrium, xxx, Y0Gi,   yago,
Zavie and everyone I forgot.


This work is (c) 2018 by Saga Musix of  Nuance  and  is  licensed  under  a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.

Track information:
- Started on the 19th of May 2017.
- Compo Cut released into the tracked music compo at Revision 2018,
  where it ranked 6th.
- Extened Mix version finished on the 29th of April 2018,
  released through The Sound of SceneSat Vol.4.

Please use OpenMPT 1.27+ to play this track.


You can contact me via e-mail at
If you want to chat with me...
- Jabber: (preferred)
- ICQ: 324324485
- EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez
  (Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga)
- IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht
  (Nick = Saga_Musix)

Feel free to visit my websites as well:
- - Here you can download all my music, free
  samples and other stuff. (German and English)
- - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free
  games and applications and other stuff.
- - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :)


Sample credits:

The source of the samples are indicated in the filename of the samples.
- ArcanaSounds: Trance kick pack from ArcanaSounds
- JayB: From JayB's trance sample collection
- kb6: From the kb6 drum samples collection
- CS6R: From my Yamaha CS6R
- XV-5080: From my Roland XV-5080
- D-50: From my Roland D-50
- ATB: Sampled from ATB - Till I Come
- AN1x: From my Yamaha AN1x
- K2500: From my Kurzweil K2500

Take care!


Source Name Folder
Modland coast drive.mptm OpenMPT MPTM/Saga Musix/



# Name Used in Size
1. AS-TKRB 004 - Original 18173 ▶️
2. JBClaps8 1 other modules 33075 ▶️
3. XR-20_308 7263 ▶️
4. XR-20_309 26787 ▶️
5. LoFidelity 036 27527 ▶️
6. LoFidelity 042 71940 ▶️
7. LoFidelity 048 76611 ▶️
8. LoFidelity 054 37955 ▶️
9. JayB-003-DigitalDst 036 15437 ▶️
10. JayB-003-DigitalDst 042 131762 ▶️
11. JayB-003-DigitalDst 048 130667 ▶️
12. JayB-003-DigitalDst 054 14981 ▶️
13. Jimmee-Dee 060 59613 ▶️
14. Jimmee-Dee 067 114934 ▶️ 89%:
Gooooooooo Like the tops of the Francois
15. Jimmee-Dee 072 142273 ▶️ 89%:
As vol
16. Jimmee-Dee 079 50000 ▶️ 66%:
Ch Colors
17. Jimmee-Dee 084 211121 ▶️ 85%:
Fa la la la Fa la la la
18. RIDED6 91030 ▶️
19. Soundtrack 042 063 180000 ▶️ 56%:
20. Soundtrack 048 063 180000 ▶️ 65%:
21. Soundtrack 054 063 180000 ▶️ 82%:
22. Soundtrack 060 063 180000 ▶️ 86%:
23. Soundtrack 066 063 180000 ▶️ 83%:
24. Soundtrack 072 063 180000 ▶️ 89%:
25. Soundtrack 084 063 180000 ▶️ 86%:
starting music
26. A49 UnivDrKit 1 other modules 208619 ▶️ 85%:
Alright, now.
27. A49 UnivDrKit 247566 ▶️ 66%:
Thanks for watching!
28. till i come 1 other modules 155650 ▶️
29. JB_Uplift_08 141374 ▶️ 81%:
Thanks for watching!
30. A49 UnivDrKit TranceSnare 41317 ▶️
31. XR-20_676 13736 ▶️
32. ChordSystem 048 43000 ▶️
33. ChordSystem 054 45000 ▶️
34. ChordSystem 060 149000 ▶️
35. ChordSystem 066 151368 ▶️
36. ChordSystem 072 128906 ▶️
37. ChordSystem 078 138164 ▶️
38. ChordSystem 084 130000 ▶️
39. ChordSystem 090 43000 ▶️
40. Fx 033 Trance Wob 157476 ▶️ 66%:
Thanks for watching!
41. JB_Hits_01 94160 ▶️
42. STATASA 9550 ▶️
43. R8 Castanet + Block2 59528 ▶️
44. JB_Uplift_06 324746 ▶️ 57%:
Thanks for watching!
45. CSHD4 217 other modules 39790 ▶️
46. Piano Heaven 072 183937 ▶️ 95%:
47. Piano Heaven 078 105000 ▶️ 92%:
48. Piano Heaven 084 110000 ▶️ 88%:
49. Piano Heaven 090 160430 ▶️ 93%:
50. Piano Heaven 096 149879 ▶️ 85%:
51. HHCD0 20739 ▶️
52. HHOD4 21168 ▶️


  1. Soundtrack (No Filter)
  2. Kick
  3. Clap
  4. Closed Hat
  5. Open Hat
  6. JayB-015-Ba LoFidelity
  7. JayB-003-Ba DigitalDst
  8. PR-A-073-Jimmee-Dee
  9. DX Bass
  10. Ride
  11. Pad
  12. Bandpass Gate
  13. Big Crash
  14. Rev Crash
  15. Noise Down
  16. ATB Loop
  17. Noise Up
  18. Rolling Snare
  19. Soundtrack (Filter)
  20. Shaker
  21. Sc-052 ChordSystm
  22. Trance Wob
  23. Bluefire Bell
  24. FX Hit
  25. Sc-052 ChordSystm Sweep
  26. Nasal
  27. Warm Pluck
  28. 909 Snare
  29. R8 Castanet + Block2
  30. Uplift
  31. 909 Crash
  32. Sc-052 ChordSystm Sweep 2
  33. Sc-052 ChordSystm Stacc.
  34. Piano Heaven
  35. Closed Hat 2
  36. Open Hat 2
  37. Sc-052 ChordSystm ResoFlt

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