> Sadness & Hope
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 48376 bytes
- BPM:
- 125
- Speed:
- 3
- Channels:
- 4
- Song Length:
- 31
- Samples:
- 8
- Instruments:
- 45
- Patterns:
- 23
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 89
- SHA1:
- d4f62c0d027243cebb56cb861d194a071d6a19fb
- MD5:
- 8230c8a662e01de107c6b153dac14ea5
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
sadness_hope.xm |
XM/S/sadness_hope.xm.zip |
Modarchive |
sadness_hope.xm |
S/SA/sadness_hope.xm.zip |
Modland |
sadness & hope.xm |
Fasttracker 2/KeyG/ |
- By Key G of Substance
- 10-12.April.1996
- This sad chip-tune
- is dedicated to Magda.
- Be cool !!!
- Thanx to Fatality/Coc
- for 07h sample.
- Respect to all my
- contax & friends.
- Special respect to
- my class.
- If you want contact me
- (helo girls!) try
- this address:
- Konrad Gmurek
- ul.Antoniego 36/23
- 50-073 Wroclaw
- Poland, Europe
- Or call... heh...
- I forgot! I haven't
- got any phone :)
- So maybe try
- snail-mail.
- And remember!
- Support Kasztan
- disk-mag! Articles,
- advertisements,
- messages or any other
- stuff send to me.
- Kasztan - the only
- way to relax.
- I don't feel like
- writting...
- And the last thing:
- Anytime you'll feel
- bed listen this
- little mod & think
- that you're not
- alone...