Farspace Dance

Impulse Tracker 2.14v5 IT 2.16
913900 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


  |                                                                      |
  |                             THE SPACE RING                           |
  |                      SIXTH RING : FARSPACE DANCE                     |
  |                      ---------------------------                     |
  |                      Composed by Sphenx (C) 2008                     |
  |                                                                      |

| TECH INFO |========================\
\===========/                        |
  |                                  |
  | Creation Date    : October 1998  |
  | Current Version  : v1.00 - LoQual|
  | Running Time     : 5:55 (loop)   |
  | Active  Channels : 24            |
  | Virtual Channels : 82            |
  | Samples          : 41            |
  | Instruments      : 68            |
  | Patterns         : 49            |
  | Resonant Filters : As usual!     |
  |                                  |
    |/|     |/|
  | 06 / 10 : FARSPACE DANCE |==========================================\
  \==========================/                                          |
    |                                                                   |
    |  Deep  in space,  far  from their  native world, "The Survivors"  |
    | encountered aliens beings ranging from bacteria to evolved ones.  |
    | The latter developed their very specific senses of art and music. |
    |                                                                   |
    |  In  the process  of understanding  these aliens,  the Survivors  |
    | explored their  culture and  their codes,  able to produce  music |
    | that would appeal to the extraterrestrial beings...               |
    |                                                                   |
    |  They called it "the Farspace Dance" ...                          |
    |                                                                   |
| SAMPLES |=============================================================\
\=========/                                                             |
  |                                                                     |
  | Samples come from these sources:                                    |
  |                                                                     |
  |   ABR: Allister Brimble (Superfrog!)                                |
  |   CHU: Chris Huelsbeck (Turrican!)                                  |
  |   CJA: Chris Jarvis                                                 |
  |   JLI: Jogeir Liljedahl                                             |
  |   LGD: Legend                                                       |
  |   SCO: Scorpik                                                      |
  |   SF2: Sound Fonts SF2                                              |
  |   SPX: Generated (VSTi) and edited samples by myself                |
  |   ST-XX: Amiga Sound Tracker disks                                  |
  |   TMW: Tim Wright (Shadow of the Beast 2 & 3)                       |
  |                                                                     |
| NOTES |===============================================================\
\=======/                                                               |
  |                                                                     |
  |  The major parts of this music were written in 1998. It is among the|
  | first I wrote with Impulse Tracker (which explains the lead guitar  |
  | from Chris Jarvis!). After a sleep of 10 years ... I upgraded some  |
  | samples and cleaned up stuff to make it worth to be released.       |
  | Anyway, the melodies are weird. This is different.                  |
  | And rather experimental with various effects over the whole music.  |
  | Good for aliens. Good for humans I don't know. You'll tell me!      |
  |                                                                     |
| CONTACT |=============================================================\
\=========/                                                             |
  |                                                                     |
  |  Let your message travels through the netspace toward this place:   |
  |                                                                     |
  |     gb_sphenx@hotmail.com                                           |
  |                                                                     |

Farspace Dance
(C) 2008 - Sphenx


Source Name Folder
Modarchive spx-farspacedance.it IT/S/spx-farspacedance.it.zip
Modarchive spx-farspacedance.it modarchive_2009_additions/IT/S/spx-farspacedance.it.zip
Modland farspace dance.it Impulsetracker/Sphenx/



# Name ST name Used in Size
1. ****** Sphenx 2008 ******
2. ABR:snare 5 other modules 3128 ▶️
3. CHU:Acid 7848 ▶️
4. CHU:Acid 7848 ▶️
5. CHU:Acid 7808 ▶️
6. CJA:Snare 138 other modules 20000 ▶️
7. CJA:Bassdrum 134 other modules 4734 ▶️
8. CJA:Lead Guitar 177 other modules 60000 ▶️
9. CJA:Tom 187 other modules 15000 ▶️
10. JLI:Saw 254 ▶️
11. JLI:strings 321 other modules 31812 ▶️ 77%:
12. JLI:crash 7 other modules 32901 ▶️
13. JLI:Galway Low 4103 ▶️
14. JLI:Galway Med 2 other modules 8207 ▶️
15. LGD:bassdrum 296 other modules 6480 ▶️
16. SCO:Guitar 19 other modules 38806 ▶️
17. SF2:HiHat Close 19014 ▶️
18. SF2:Snare2 40220 ▶️
19. SF2:Celesta 11915 ▶️
20. SF2:High Q 2628 ▶️
21. SF2:BalladSnare 22264 ▶️
22. SPX:SynthBass 16335 ▶️
23. SPX:BigDrift 54115 ▶️
24. SPX:InnerVision 33785 ▶️
25. SPX:Resomorph1 185000 ▶️ 73%:
Thanks for watching!
26. SPX:Resomorph2 243600 ▶️ 83%:
27. SPX:SimSynth 62966 ▶️
28. SPX:Lead Guitar 112000 ▶️ 55%:
29. SPX:Dust 12500 ▶️
30. SPX:Glide 16767 ▶️ 60%:
NOOOO Dewger
31. SPX:Snare L 37504 ▶️
32. SPX:Snare R 37504 ▶️
33. SPX:AnalogSquare 4 other modules 512 ▶️
34. SPX:Echo Snare 52988 ▶️
35. SPX:MultiSine 171 ▶️
36. ST-01:bsdr02.avec 15 other modules 2942 ▶️
37. ST-96:harrier2 ST-11:spacesnare 86 other modules 1550 ▶️
38. ST-13:hatcls 209 other modules 2696 ▶️
39. ST-01:snre13.moan 13 other modules 2386 ▶️
40. ST-71:F-Etom3 6 other modules 3940 ▶️
41. TMW:blandbsdr 12 other modules 1548 ▶️
42. TMW:carbotsdr 18 other modules 3186 ▶️


  1. Bass:Acid
  2. Bass:Acid left
  3. Bass:Acid right
  4. Bass:Acid Short left
  5. Bass:Acid Short right
  6. Bass:Acid Filter 1
  7. Bass:Acid Filter 2
  8. Synth:Celesta
  9. Synth:High Q
  10. Synth:Bass
  11. Synth:BigDrive Mosquito!
  12. Synth:InnerVision
  13. Synth:InnerVision Fast
  14. Synth:Resomorph1
  15. Synth:SimSynth
  16. Synth:Resomorph2
  17. Synth:InnerVision Filter
  18. Strings:Strings Filter
  19. Strings:Strings
  20. Perc:bsdr02.avec
  21. Perc:BalladSnare
  22. Perc:Snare2
  23. Perc:Snare2 Cont.
  24. Perc:Hihat Close
  25. Perc:carbotsdr
  26. Perc:harrier2 R
  27. Perc:harrier2 L
  28. Perc:drum L
  29. Perc:drum R
  30. Perc:hatcls
  31. Perc:snre13.moan
  32. Perc:SpxSnare L
  33. Perc:SpxSnare R
  34. Perc:Echo Snare
  35. Perc:Crash
  36. Perc:Crash Down
  37. Perc:Crash Vibrant
  38. Perc:bassdrum
  39. Perc:tom
  40. Perc:blandbsdr l
  41. Perc:blandbsdr r
  42. Perc:Weird Snare
  43. Perc:Snare
  44. Perc:Electric Drum
  45. Perc:Electric Drum Down
  46. Perc:Base
  47. Perc:Elecric drum Filter
  48. Perc:Crash Filter
  49. Chip:Triangle
  50. Chip:Square (1)
  51. Chip:Square (2)
  52. Chip:Square Wave
  53. Chip:Square Wave Filter
  54. Chip:Square Medium
  55. Chip:Square Fast
  56. Chip:Sine
  57. Chip:SubSineDown
  58. Guitar:Lead
  59. Guitar:Lead Short High
  60. Guitar:Lead Short Low
  61. Guitar:Lead Pitchorted
  62. Guitar:Lead Picked
  63. Guitar:Lead Picked
  64. Guitar:Low Lead
  65. Guitar:Electric Guitar
  66. Guitar:Dust Quick
  67. Guitar:Glide
  68. Guitar:EGuitar Filter

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster