4) Makoto Loves Tofu (4 r

OpenMPT 1.31 IT 2.16
1186133 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


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Title        : Makoto Loves Tofu (Revision Mix)
Version      : 1.00
Creation date: 29.03.2024

Time         : 03:27
Tempo        : 135BPM
Channels     : 36
Samples      : 25
Instruments  : 24
Patterns     : 28
Used soft    : OpenMPT, Renoise
Genre        : Eurobeat, Spacesynth
Setup        : Ramping - yes, interpolation - higher is better,
               necessarily stereo

  An attempt to cross wet with moist, specifically two closely related
  genres that are structurally similar to each other like two drops of
  water - Eurobeat and Spacesynth. Spacesynth is probably the most
  traditional genre for the demoscene, while Eurobeat is one of the least
  (although it still occurs, hi and respect to Tempest with his STxx early
  Eurobeat). By itself, the mixing of Eurobeat with Spacesynth is not
  exactly new and is actively represented, for example, by the works of
  Made Up Records, some of which even appeared on early SEB compilations.
  After all, the classic Spacesynth itself, as we know it, largely comes
  from Eurobeat. However, due to this similarity, all this crossing was
  limited to introducing the classic song form into Spacesynth, since in
  general there is nothing more to combine - from the composition point of
  view, they are ~90% the same and differ mainly only in production. The
  task here was to cross two genres so that the melody was unambiguously
  interpreted by both genres simultaneously, but without resorting to

  Initially, I wanted to do something energetic and cocky - excessive
  masculinity, reckless drive, cars roaring in a drift, crazy night parties
  and others stuff like that, that is, something that is clearly not
  inherent in Spacesynth, but is often characteristic of Eurobeat. In
  general, something like Italian Dead or Alive-like tunes, as "Hyperbeat
  Tonight" by NRG Boys, Farina's "Boom Boom Dollar", Oda's "Shy Gun" and
  Mike Hammer's "Heartbreaker", but only adjusted for space and futurism.
  Initially, everything turned out that way, but as I worked on the riff,
  I began to go on the contrary into something, as for me, very cute and
  bright, which, however, only played into my hands in the original plan.

  As always, everything was done at the very last moment and in a very big
  hurry. I didn't do everything I wanted, and there are numerous rough
  edges + the mixing suffers, since about half of the melody had to be done
  impromptu directly in OpenMPT without any mixing of instruments in
  Renoise. I didn't even have time to do shit-control. Probably later
  (though I don't know when) I will make a more expanded version, where all
  this will be corrected and there will be everything that I wanted
  initially, like normal couplets, staccato chords ostinato, piano,
  orchhits, syncleads, more percussion, etc. I consider the experiment to
  be successful, but I still need to work on it; it's clearly not fully
Samples credits:
  All samples made by me, except three overused samples from Zero-G
  Datafile Three. Used synths/samplers/VST emulators - Yamaha DX7, S-YXG50,
  Korg M1, Roland Juno-106, Alpha Juno, D-50, JD-800, TR-707, TR-727,
  Ensoniq SQ-80, E-mu Emulator II and Kawai R-50 III.

  Twitter   : @KrikIDDQD
  SoundCloud: soundcloud.com/syntheslav
  Discord   : Krik_IDDQD
  Email     : frozen3200'at_sign'gmail.com
    (If you really want to contact me - it's better write me in Discord,
    not at email)

Special Thanks:
  se_otari_man, nrgitalostyle, Vasiliy Khonichev, Axis Mundi and my cats
  Maurizio and Flavius.
Greetings to:
  Porno-UZI, Black Hole, Megus, Jay Dee, Mark Vera, Dreamtime, Anders
  Lundqvist, Everdune and everyone else from Spacesynth.ru and Spacesynth
  discord, n1k-o, and guys from LegacyZ and Yandex.museum.

Made for Revision 2024 Tracked music compo.
                          Rights reserved under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license
                                 29.03.2024    Grigorij "Syntheslav" Markov


Source Name Folder
Modland makoto loves tofu.it Impulsetracker/Syntheslav/



# Name Used in Size
1. Juno LD bass v 4029 ▶️
2. Juno LD bass ^ 25402 ▶️
3. DX Aleph bass v soft 10017 ▶️
4. DX Aleph bass ^ strong 64136 ▶️
5. DX Koto bass 4771 ▶️
6. M1 SuperSlap 40333 ▶️
7. SQ-80 SQBell 22284 ▶️
8. JD-800 Mr.Brass 103837 ▶️
9. M1 Choir 111872 ▶️ 96%:
10. XG Strings 32962 ▶️
11. Zero-G Stop the Beat! 17571 ▶️ 98%:
Stop the beat!
12. Zero-G Stop playback 8627 ▶️
13. Zero-G Maharaja Siren 59234 ▶️
14. Kawai R-50 Kick 10393 ▶️
15. Kawai R-50 Snare 19950 ▶️
16. TR-707 Clap 8336 ▶️
17. TR-707 Closed HH 4490 ▶️
18. TR-707 Open HH 10706 ▶️
19. TR-707 CowBell 8134 ▶️
20. TR-727 Agogo Hi 6674 ▶️
21. TR-727 Agogo Lo 7829 ▶️
22. Alpha Juno ElecTom 12782 ▶️
23. Alpha Juno ElecTom reverb 22272 ▶️
24. E-Mu Guitar double 7427 ▶️
25. D-50 SpaciousSweep 73720 ▶️ 54%:


  1. Juno LD Bass v
  2. Juno LD Bass ^
  3. DX Aleph bass v
  4. DX Aleph bass ^
  5. DX Koto bass
  6. M1 SuperSlap
  7. SQ-80 SQBell
  8. JD-800 Mr.Brass!
  9. R-50 Kick
  10. R-50 Snare
  11. TR-707 Clap
  12. TR-707 Closed HH
  13. TR-707 Open HH
  14. TR-707 CowBell
  15. TR-727 Agogo
  16. Alpha ElecTom
  17. Alpha ElecTom reverb
  18. E-Mu DistGit
  19. Tracker Acid
  20. M1 Choir
  21. XG StereoStrings
  22. VFX "Stop the Beat!"
  23. VFX Scratch
  24. VFX Maharaja Siren
Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster