To every captive soul and gentle heart
into whose sight this present speech may come,
so that they might write its meaning for me,
greetings, in their lord's name, who is Love.
Already a third of the hours were almost past
of the time when all the stars were shining,
when Amor suddenly appeared to me
whose memory fills me with terror.
Joyfully Amor seemed to me to hold
my heart in his hand, and held in his arms
my lady wrapped in a cloth sleeping.
Then he woke her, and that burning heart
he fed to her reverently, she fearing,
afterwards he went not to be seen weeping.
*End of file*
>>>>Digitized Dinosaurs (c)-2012<<<<
Caras conchetas, miradas berretas
Y hombres encajados en Fiorucci
Oigo: "dame, quiero" y
"no te metas, te gusto el nuevo Bertolucci?"
La rubia tarada, bronceada, aburrida
Me dice: "porque te pelaste?"
Y yo: "por el asco que da tu sociedad...
Por el pelo de hoy, cuanto gastas eh?"
Un pseudo punkito con el acento finito
Quiere hacerse el chico malo
Tuerce la boca, se arregla el pelito
Toma un trago y vuelve a Belgrano...
Me voy rumbo a la puerta
Y despues a un boliche a la esquina a tomar
Una ginebra con gente despierta
(Esta si que es buena vida....)
Can you find the hidden patterns??? ^_^