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| Saga Musix presents: Datagram (4:14) |
This is a bit of a weird, experimental track, toying around with a
limited set of somewhat unusual samples randomly picked from my sample
library. It started its life as a One Hour Compo track, and was finished
for the oldschool music compo at TRSAC 2023 and was retouched a bit after
the party to fix a few notes I didn't like.
-Saga Musix, 12th of November 2023
Greetings fly out to all the fine people I met at TRSAC 2023:
Bombe, d0dge, doc.k, dwarf, emoon, ferris, grx, Leia, Luisa, Madame,
novdel, Oni, Punqtured, Puryx, RaccoonViolet, Roly, Santa, soba violence,
styx, susencrusen, T$, ted, teo, ToBach, vl4d, vurpo, yugecin and
everyone I forgot!
This work is (c) 2023 by Saga Musix and is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 License.
Track information:
- Based on a #modulez One Hour Compo entry from 2020-08-02 (ranked 2nd)
- Released at TRSAC 2023 in the Oldschool Music Compo, where it ranked 5th
- Final version finished on the 12th of November 2023 (a few notes fixed)
Please use OpenMPT 1.31+ to play this track.
You can contact me via e-mail at info@sagamusix.de.
If you want to chat with me...
- Jabber: sagamusix@s3m.it
- EsperNet: #modarchive, #modplug, #mod_shrine, #modulez
(Nick = Saga_Musix or Saga)
- IRCNet: #deadline, #demozoo, #evoke, #revision, #nordlicht
(Nick = Saga_Musix)
Feel free to visit my websites as well:
- https://sagamusix.de/ - Here you can download all my music, free
samples and other stuff. (German and English)
- https://sagagames.de/ - Website featuring my (mostly German-only) free
games and applications and other stuff.
- https://openmpt.org/ - Home of Open ModPlug Tracker :)
Sample credits:
The sources of many samples are not known.
- XV-5080: From my Roland XV-5080
- AN1x: From my Yamaha AN1x
- ChemicalBros: Sampled from Orange Wedge by The Chemical Brothers
- kb6: From the kb6 drum samples collection.
Take care!