MaGNeTK GRL by JosSs

FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
1889723 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


Source Name Folder
Modarchive jos-girl.xm XM/J/
Modarchive jos-girl.xm J/JO/
Modland magnetk grl.xm Fasttracker 2/Josss/



# Name Used in Size
1. No name 13 other modules 7061 ▶️
2. necros 19 other modules 16182 ▶️
3. silke 8 other modules 8146 ▶️
4. erek 10 other modules 24781 ▶️
5. balrog 18 other modules 4398 ▶️
6. No name 11 other modules 15208 ▶️
7. sample pack 11 other modules 99416 ▶️
8. by Norfair 10 other modules 31398 ▶️
9. tito 4 other modules 5654 ▶️
10. tito 3 other modules 5790 ▶️
11. tito 4 other modules 32129 ▶️ 65%:
12. tito 3 other modules 10836 ▶️ 71%:
13. tito 5 other modules 6171 ▶️
14. tito 5 other modules 6674 ▶️
15. tito 6 other modules 3968 ▶️
16. tito 5 other modules 5167 ▶️
17. tito 3 other modules 6103 ▶️
18. tito 3 other modules 17377 ▶️
19. tito 3 other modules 7733 ▶️
20. tito 4 other modules 6043 ▶️
21. No name 16 other modules 5743 ▶️
22. by Norfair 14 other modules 47727 ▶️
23. No name 10 other modules 8408 ▶️
24. No name 16 other modules 14839 ▶️
25. trumpet 6 other modules 12666 ▶️
26. marwin
27. trumpet 5 other modules 4104 ▶️
28. marwin
29. trumpet 6 other modules 4534 ▶️
30. marwin
31. trumpet 5 other modules 6598 ▶️
32. marwin
33. trumpet 5 other modules 2961 ▶️
34. marwin
35. trumpet 5 other modules 7353 ▶️
36. marwin
37. trumpet 5 other modules 6398 ▶️
38. marwin
39. No name 8 other modules 4620 ▶️
40. pulsepad.d50 8 other modules 49512 ▶️
41. (16bit.44khz)
42. by Norfair
43. moby 53 other modules 4784 ▶️
44. moby 8 other modules 2251 ▶️
45. moby 11 other modules 7908 ▶️
46. moby 12 other modules 11587 ▶️
47. moby 9 other modules 1726 ▶️
48. tito?
49. No name 7 other modules 13143 ▶️
50. radix 1 other modules 6480 ▶️
51. necros 4 other modules 21425 ▶️
52. necros 5 other modules 29180 ▶️
53. necros 9 other modules 35842 ▶️
54. by Norfair 5 other modules 8361 ▶️
55. by Norfair 5 other modules 7523 ▶️
56. by Norfair 4 other modules 8323 ▶️
57. hunz 7 other modules 7664 ▶️
58. hunz 15 other modules 12190 ▶️
59. hunz 12 other modules 13354 ▶️
60. hunz 14 other modules 13470 ▶️
61. st-hihat 4 other modules 6119 ▶️
62. hunz 7 other modules 49914 ▶️ 77%:
Thanks for watching!
63. balrog 17 other modules 17651 ▶️
64. sample pack 11 other modules 6290 ▶️
65. No name 5 other modules 7396 ▶️
66. No name 7 other modules 6389 ▶️
67. No name 4 other modules 11992 ▶️
68. radix 8 other modules 34516 ▶️
69. caramel/jisemdu 61 other modules 20434 ▶️
75. No name 5 other modules 15910 ▶️
76. No name 3 other modules 4350 ▶️
77. No name 3 other modules 4073 ▶️
78. No name 3 other modules 8041 ▶️
79. No name 3 other modules 4066 ▶️
80. No name 3 other modules 3106 ▶️
81. No name 3 other modules 6648 ▶️
82. No name 3 other modules 8886 ▶️
83. No name 3 other modules 7530 ▶️
84. No name 3 other modules 4750 ▶️
85. No name 3 other modules 6012 ▶️
86. No name 3 other modules 17421 ▶️
87. No name 3 other modules 15822 ▶️
88. No name 3 other modules 4127 ▶️
89. No name 3 other modules 10773 ▶️
90. No name 3 other modules 10258 ▶️
91. No name 2 other modules 10482 ▶️
92. No name 2 other modules 8023 ▶️
93. No name 2 other modules 10922 ▶️
94. No name 2 other modules 8463 ▶️
95. No name 2 other modules 10259 ▶️
96. No name 2 other modules 9602 ▶️
97. No name 2 other modules 4664 ▶️
98. No name 2 other modules 4444 ▶️
99. No name 2 other modules 4918 ▶️
100. No name 2 other modules 6239 ▶️
101. No name 2 other modules 4007 ▶️
102. No name 2 other modules 9266 ▶️
103. No name 2 other modules 4049 ▶️
104. No name 2 other modules 4096 ▶️
105. No name 2 other modules 10804 ▶️
106. No name 2 other modules 6428 ▶️
107. No name 2 other modules 2804 ▶️
108. No name 2 other modules 3748 ▶️
109. No name 2 other modules 7259 ▶️
110. No name 2 other modules 6489 ▶️
111. No name 3 other modules 20970 ▶️


  1. By - JosSs -
  2. ----------------------
  3. - MaGNeTiK GiRL -
  4. ------- V2.0 ---------
  5. Specially arranged for
  6. Eva
  7. ----------------------
  9. ----------------------
  10. aLL SaMPLeS uSeD
  11. iN THiS XMoD aRe. . .
  12. RiPPed ! ! !
  13. FRoM NoRFaiR's XMoD
  14. -STReeTS oF VeNiCe-
  15. FiLe: Nf-stven.XM
  16. ----------------------
  17. ----------------------
  18. Hey Norfair !!! What a
  19. XPEKTAKULAR song!
  20. T H a N X ! ! !
  21. ----------------------
  22. Smpls by Tito, Necros
  23. Marwin, Moby, Norfair
  24. and many others.
  25. ----------------------
  26. GReeTiNGS
  27. -------------
  28. LuTY (No suena mal del
  29. todo, Verdad???)
  30. FranKie, MaC, ToNyo
  31. CHuSSS, TWeNTY
  32. PHoToMaN, aSBReTo. . .
  33. ----------------------
  34. VeRY SPeCiaL THaNX
  35. To
  36. NoRFaiR / eCHo oFF
  37. aND aLL MoD-MaKeRS
  38. aRouND THiS WoRLD
  39. ----------------------
  40. ----------------------
  41. PoR CieRTo, TaMBieN uN
  42. SaLuDo a ToDa La GeNTe
  43. De La SPaNiSHDeMoSCeNe
  44. ----------------------
  45. PaSSioNaTe LoVe
  46. GoeS To eVa
  47. ----------------------
  48. ----------------------
  49. ToTaL DuRaTioN
  50. 4 MiN 46 SeC
  51. TRaCKiNG TiMe
  52. 3 DaYS
  53. ----------------------
  54. oRiGiNaL TiTLe
  55. - MaGNeTiK GiRL -
  56. oRiGiNal FiLe NaMe
  57. - MGNTKGRL.XM -
  58. ----------------------
  59. TRaCKeD uSiNG
  60. FaST TRaCKeR 2.08
  61. XMod DaTe
  62. SePTeMBeR 1999
  63. ----------------------
  64. CoMPoSeD iN
  65. MaDRiD - SPaiN -
  66. PeNTiuM 133
  67. SB-PRo (8 bits)
  68. FT 2.08
  69. RiPPeD SaMPLeS
  70. ----------------------
  71. CoNTaKT Me aT
  73. ----------------------
  74. ----------------------
  75. --- JosSs Was Here ---

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