Enigmatic Path

OpenMPT 1.17 IT 8.88
1756595 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


   /                                                              /
  /    * SAGA MUSIX - ENIGMATIC PATH (5:08) *                    /

Now what's this? Quite a mixture  of different styles... I  had an idea
about an EBM track when I went Rome with my  school class and instantly
wrote some ideas down. When I got back, I immediately started to create
this track. It took me 2 days to do the major parts of this track, many
details  were added later.  In the  end, it turned out  to be some slow
EBM /Industrial  / Rock /  whatever tune! I guess  I've never mixed  so
many styles... :-D
But I'm really content with this tune. Really. I simply love it.  Gotta
be one of my best now. Also in terms of tracking techniques.

I only applied 2 VSTs on the whole track this time to master  the whole
thing. So it won't sound bad in XMplay either. But I used some settings
in OpenMPT like  per-sample interpolation  settings which aren't avail-
able in other module players. This means you should use OpenMPT
(www.modplug.com) and  download  the  two VST  plugins from  my website
(see below).  You can also get the MP3 version  there if you can't  use
_/__/     _/__
/  / ave  /   un!

  .:                                       :::::::..
 .:   Contact information and other stuff   .::::::::::::.

- This module and its pattern data is (c) 2008 by Saga Musix.
- Feel free to write any comments to saga-games@arcor.de!
- You can also visit my web sites:
  -> http://saga-musix.ath.cx - download free music! (german and english)
  -> http://saga-games.ath.cx - here you can find free programmes and
     cool freeware games, written by me! (german only)

- Project started: 14.06.08
  Project finished: 20.06.08

- Please play this module only in OpenMPT with the plugins installed.
  You may also download the mp3 version, this one won't cause that much
  trouble. Get the plugins at http://saga-musix.ath.cx/?page=plugins
  Any decent IT player like XMPlay (NOT Winamp!) will sound okay, too.

Greetz fly out to:
Maali, Midget, elfan, Wansti, EdgarTheFace, Toa-Nuva, m0d, Sahkolihaa,
reed, Soda,  ko0x, everyone  at #modarchive and #mod_shrine,  everyone
who likes my music and games and of course YOU!

(------------- sample credits -------------)

The sources are marked  in the filenames of the  samples. Explanation
of all sources:
waveworld: From TMA waveworld sample collection
Yamaha CS1x: My synthesiszer :)
p.illusions: Ripped from Pinball Illusions
p.dreams: Ripped from Pinball Dreams
Rhythms BD 2: Ripped from this VST
tm-trancena: From "Trancenational: West" by Trustmaster
???: doh :-P
self-made: you gotta be kidding of you don't know what that means :P
  Actually, in this case I ripped that sample from another module
  and optimized it a lot... Don't remember the module, though.
m.sound: From the MonsterSound sample collection
r-techno.xm: From "Techno Warrior" by Rapture (optimized sample)
Rebirth: From Rebirth emulator


 till the next release!
- jojo aka saga musix -


Source Name Folder
Modland enigmatic path.it Impulsetracker/Saga Musix/
Modarchive saga_musix_-_enigmatic_path.it IT/S/saga_musix_-_enigmatic_path.it.zip
scene.org enigmatic_path.it music/artists/saga_musix/enigmatic_path.it.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. 048.WAV 2 other modules 19095 ▶️
2. Sample6 2956 ▶️
3. 010 39 other modules 22027 ▶️
4. Buzzer 752 ▶️
5. wobble 6359 ▶️
6. Phat BD/Rhythms BD 2.0 VS 32409 ▶️
7. SYNTH1 119808 ▶️
8. Electric Long 47886 ▶️
9. Hi-Hat Overdrive 2 other modules 18478 ▶️
10. Vintage 2 other modules 96345 ▶️
11. FLY_BY_C1 121765 ▶️ 72%:
12. Snare Fresh 32876 ▶️
13. Cool Bell 39688 ▶️ 51%:
14. HardSynth 2 EQ 3 other modules 23033 ▶️
15. industrial10 1 other modules 88640 ▶️
16. Guitar.Distortion.1 13 other modules 38804 ▶️
17. 5CY00014.WAV 4 other modules 91736 ▶️ 53%:
18. Laser Age 17294 ▶️
19. TR-9o9 Crash Compressor 39878 ▶️


  1. Snare 1
  2. Snare 2
  3. Bass Drum 1
  4. Buzzer
  5. wobble
  6. Bass Drum 2
  7. SYNTH1
  8. Ride Cymbal
  9. Hi-Hat Overdrive
  10. Vintage Strings
  11. FLY_BY_C1
  12. Snare 3
  13. Bell
  14. Lead Strings
  15. Industrial Bass
  16. Hardsynth
  17. E-Guitar
  18. Crash Cymbal
  19. Laser FX
  20. Crash TR-909

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster