- Format:
- Impulse Tracker 2.14 IT 2.14
- Size:
- 597611 bytes
- BPM:
- 200
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 43
- Song Length:
- 35
- Samples:
- 27
- Instruments:
- 99
- Patterns:
- 25
- Tracks:
- 2
- Track length:
- 1075
- SHA1:
- baaff12c1f0baf8f72c12297ceff687ce707cc0d
- MD5:
- 440a925a724eb931b4f5fa9627b168dc
Source | Name | Folder |
Modland | reality.it | Impulsetracker/Chafer/ |
# | Name | Used in | Size | ||
1. | Zajac Lenght- 4:26 | 53147 | ▶️ | 88%:
WHAT'm I DOING legitimate
2. | No name | 28 other modules | 66672 | ▶️ | 91%:
Doctor H
3. | Date X 1999 | 10 other modules | 23687 | ▶️ | 63%:
Thanks for watching!
4. | No name | 3 other modules | 8068 | ▶️ | |
5. | Puszczy Solskiej 1/47 | 14 other modules | 5536 | ▶️ | |
6. | No name | 29 other modules | 13519 | ▶️ | |
7. | (0-22) 664-33-43 | 18 other modules | 3784 | ▶️ | |
8. | No name | 2 other modules | 4000 | ▶️ | |
9. | www.free.net.pl/~lordmarc | 2 other modules | 9000 | ▶️ | |
10. | No name | 1 other modules | 3500 | ▶️ | |
11. | No name | 10 other modules | 14060 | ▶️ | |
12. | No name | 4 other modules | 63624 | ▶️ | 78%:
13. | No name | 10 other modules | 18836 | ▶️ | |
14. | No name | 4 other modules | 9910 | ▶️ | |
15. | No name | 35193 | ▶️ | 92%:
16. | No name | 4 other modules | 11342 | ▶️ | |
17. | No name | 1 other modules | 45521 | ▶️ | |
18. | |||||
19. | No name | 24888 | ▶️ | 51%:
20. | No name | 41652 | ▶️ | 78%:
About ready
21. | No name | 4 other modules | 7909 | ▶️ | |
22. | No name | 4 other modules | 5474 | ▶️ | |
23. | No name | 12 other modules | 8900 | ▶️ | |
24. | |||||
25. | No name | 11 other modules | 4026 | ▶️ | |
26. | No name | 4 other modules | 19506 | ▶️ | 68%:
27. | No name | 127 other modules | 13266 | ▶️ |
- Zajac (chafer?)
- Nastepny
- wymyslonyzarazpowstaniuzl
- ozkaiskonczonyjednegodnia
- utworek.
- -------------------------
- Nazwalem ten utwor
- `reality`
- poniewaz mam nadzieje
- ze po jego wysluchaniu
- ktos odejdzie od monitora
- i uprzytomni sobie ze
- jest inna rzeczywistosc
- od tej komputerowej.
- -------------------------
- Pozdrawiam
- -------------------------
- - Mikela&Age
- - Krecika i Monike
- - Przemka (ktory juz
- przestal sluchac
- moich utworkow)
- - Lorda (ktory zajal
- miejsce Przemka)
- - Nomada (ktory nigdy
- nie przepadal za moja
- tworczoscia)
- - Roberta (pewnie nawet
- nie wie ze cos tworze)
- - Marka (za caloksztalt)
- -------------------------
- PS. Zajrzyjcie na nasza
- (tzn. Lorda i moja)
- strone:
- www.free.net.pl/~lordmarc
- znajdziecie tam troche o:
- - filmie Matrix
- - Quake I & II
- - Impulse Trackerze tzn.
- `Kurs Impulse Trackera`
- - Mozecie zobaczyc
- zdjecie Lorda!!!
- (to pewnie dlatego mamy
- juz tyle na liczniku ;))
- Na tych zdjeciach oprocz
- niego znajduje sie
- rowniez JA, Nomadi,
- Justyna, Ewelina i inni.
- Ps. Ogladajac nasze dema
- z Quake miejcie na uwadze
- ze mialem wtedy reke
- w gipsie ;)
- Po za tym Lord ciagle
- oszukiwal...
- Lord: Tak to sobie
- tLuMaCz :P
- Ps2.Chafer to moj nick
- na ircu
Similar sample set
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gtranz2 | 34% |
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cruelty | 16% |
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spiritual feeling | 15% |
Way to Eden | 14% |
open ur mind | 13% |
October | 12% |
rUbiCon | 12% |
Maiden | 12% |
Fantasy #6 | 11% |
Fantasy #6 | 11% |
Flowers and Life | 10% |
Prince of Cumberland | 10% |
Believer - The realm | 10% |
alien`s party | 10% |
out of oxygene | 8% |
System 51 | 4% |