~~~~~~~.:. (|)HM .:.
- Format:
- FastTracker v2.00 XM 1.04
- Size:
- 258977 bytes
- BPM:
- 170
- Speed:
- 6
- Channels:
- 8
- Song Length:
- 78
- Samples:
- 18
- Instruments:
- 64
- Patterns:
- 57
- Tracks:
- 1
- Track length:
- 449
- SHA1:
- b772b733c47ff6d8a16471bedad22cb100d12499
- MD5:
- 8c742f25bd223bf7cab13b60eb1a88b0
Source |
Name |
Folder |
Modarchive |
ohm.xm |
XM/O/ohm.xm.zip |
Modarchive |
ohm.xm |
O/OH/ohm.xm.zip |
Modland |
ohm.xm |
Fasttracker 2/Moonstone/ |
- < -Prepare the world--
- ~~~~~~.:. (|)HM .:.
- ------------------ >
- ~ MoonStone / CHiLL
- Playing Time 5'25''
- 115 slaps each 60 secs
- 8 Channels, 9 sounds
- Sorry it's all 8-bit !
- ~~(C) Copyright 1996
- ~~All rights reserved
- Produced by R.Schultz
- aka MoonStone (Zest)
- of CHiLL Productions.
- Written for CHiLL's
- January One release !
- Please visit CHiLL on
- the World Wide Web :
- ~~~~ http://www.
- bentdesign.com/chill
- Want to contact me ?
- R.Schultz
- Enrumvej 9
- 5270 Odense N
- Denmark -- or email:
- dm96221@
- ~~~~~dec51b.tietgen.dk
- Got all my tunes ?
- http://www.bentdesign
- .com/chill/moonstone
- - Complete XMology! -
- Peace and love and
- a wonderfull 1997!
- Everyone from CHiLL!
- ~Keep da spirit alive!
- Boys and girls around
- the world THINK HARD
- into the NEW YEAR !!
- ~~I_0\/e+|ReSPeCT.:.
- ~~ .:. 0|/eR A|\|d oUt
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