Fading Memories
Nikko Uttereth:
Good day everyone!
I Have nothing much to say about how i came about to
making this tune.It just happend.I kept on fiddling and it kept on
progressing.Simple as that.I'd like to dedicate this song to a
fiend.........er....FRIEND Talat (T.H.K[ojak]) because he told me to.
Er...um.. i mean because he liked it very much.A bit too much in
fact.Dunno why.I'll figure it out later.The name for this tune was chosen
by Talat himself.So if it sounds out of place don't go making fun of me.
I guess it must have taken about 2 to 3 weeks to compose this.Well, not
continously.An hour today half an hour the other and so on and so forth.
Anyway,if you like this tune just mail me and tell me why.Have
fun ladeth!
O yeah! A Big message for all the people who have waists exceeding
33 inches:
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Note:This message will be viewed properly in Impulse tracker.
Lots of Hi's out to : The Hairy Kojak ,The goat's testicles ,Rizwan, The
Computer Rapist ,Rehan, The Fat-ass ,Khurram, The Person who suffers from
polio on his face ,Muna, The Kasi Pathan ,Waqas, The ass-showing
,Machinesmith , The blind Dj ,Faran and The non-believer ,Dj_Citro.
Phew!That was long. No hard feelings,mates.
Just light humour.(In a malabary accent)Don't Mind it!.
If anyone ever feels the need to email me(which no one will ever feel)my
add is: