Oriental Safari Sampler

OpenMPT 1.23 IT 2.14
200066 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


 ~| O R I E N T A L   S A F A R I   S A M P L E R |~

      made by Johannes Getmann aus Scheissendorf
 AKA j-61m, 637man, John Getman from Shittyville etc.
         on 9~21/4/2014 in OpenMPT
 Yes, it's late to write here something about Easter.


         M O D U L E    S T A T I S T I C S :
          ~~~ 24 channels ~~~ 15 samples ~~~
        ~~~ 54 patterns ~~~ 66 (77) orders ~~~
    ~~~ 66*4 = 264 bars ~~ 264*16 = 1056 beats ~~~
  ~~~ 1056*4 = 4224 rows ~~ 4224*6 = 25344 ticks ~~~
 ~~~ Duration: 6:36 ~~ Tempo: 160 BPM ~~ Speed: 6 ~~~


           ~~~ NOW WITH STEREO PANNING! ~~~
        and not just surround on some channels

               ~~~ NO HIDDEN PARTS! ~~~
   so don't search for them, maybe in upcoming songs


            M A D E   I N   C Z E C H I A
      G E M A C H T   I N   T S C H E C H I E N
           V Y R O B E N O   V   . E S K U
   W Y P R O D U K O W A N O   W   C Z E C H A C H


Did you like it? It's quite uncommon for someone to like or even notice
my songs, so if you are feeling to do something good to support me, feel
free to donate me some bitcoins to 1C4Xyt6PGFzbJszVxuNp3VbmHPywKbT6KK.
You can also share it on your social network. Haters are also audience.

I took some inspiration from Safri Duo, but other people may say I just
decided to put in bongos on top of a 4-on-the-floor beat with 1994-ish
baseline and made another melodies in style of Spring Garden, my previous
module. This song very similar to it, so take it as a sequel or maybe
remake. This time it's something like a safari party or something like
that. Maybe even enjoying your last maybe days in the Hunger Games arena,
that the Gamemakers made look like something similar to equatorial jungle.
Or even being happy that you are so far succesfully building socialism
or communism in the tribe, so on the Communist or Socialist party
convention you throw yourself a party.

Also check out my blog, until it's still somehow alive:
getmania.blogspot.com. There are many articles to waste your time if you
are bored, like you now are, because you are reading this. By the way, you
need to understand some Czech (something like Polish, but with Slovak
writing system, like V instead of W and ., ., ., ., ., ., ., . instead
of cz, sz, ., rz, ie, di, ., .), German and arittaa (al little) Japanese
to enjoy all of my articles.

KURWA MA.! (insert thing that annoys you) ZAJEBAN*! NASRA.!
Generic way of swearing in Polish, instead of * insert:
A - neutrum plural and feminime singular
E - maskuline inanimata plural, feminime plural, neutrum singular
Y - maskuline singular
I - maskuline animata plural, N goes phonetically into .!
Therefore: KOMPJUTER ZAJEBANY (computer - he), KURWA (whore - she)
ZAJEBANI (pissers (fuckers) - many men, but also CZURACZKY ZAJEBANE - many
women), GLINIARZ ZAJEBANY (clayman (cop) - he), etc.
Trust me, I'm a Czech, also West Slav. But this implies the risk I am
learning you some kind of Slesian dialect.

It seems like 16 channels is not enough for me anymore. That means I need
a wider monitor, because my 1920x1200 fits only 18 channels and 66 rows
(Well, that's enough, I don't use speed 3, because I like to see the whole
pattern. But it's difficult to make gates and snarerolls as Q0x, SDx
and SCx need to be used.) or use the smaller font, but then I would see
nothing and burn my eyes staring to the monitor. At least I don't use that
small 1280x1024 anymore I had like 4 months ago.

OpenMPT needs something like slave channels, that will echo specified
channel(s) with certain configurable parameters, like volume/2, panning x,
delay y ticks. This would make creating echoes much easier and they
wouldn't have to be remade each time you change the master channel even
a little. These channels would not be under direct control and would be
recomputed each time the module is saved in other format than MPTM or being
played. The configuration could be specified in this song message, or
for MPTM somewhere in the channel properties. All this because keeping
track of 64 channels (which some people actually can use altogether) would
be otherwise really tiring.

It would be also good to have 65536 virtual channels, as 256 seems not
enough for instruments with many layers, reverbs and echoes. It would
require around 100 GHz of processing power to process all of them, but this
will be soon hit by desktop PCs as they can now have 8 cores, each at 4 GHz
when overclocked, therefore 32 GHz. Some have even 2 or 4 CPUs, so 64
or 128 GHz. So you can simulate a sound of real symphonic ensemble playing
an impressionistic song you have no chance to understand. 88 channels go
to the piano or harp, 176 other to echo, 20 players * 4 strings * 3
channels = 240 channels for first violin alone, 480 for 2nd and 3rd. Also
there are violas (another 240), contrabasses (15*4 = 60), brass section
(10 - monophone instruments), wind section (10 - also monophone), drums
and percussion (Kick, Kick rim, Snare, Sanre rim, Timpani (4), Timpani rim
(4), Triangle and Cymbal - 12), and others. Also there are 2 times more
channels for echo. Altogether, this makes (88+240+480+240+60+10+10+12)*3 =
3420 simultaneously playing notes. Quite enough, isn't it?

There is one annoying thing about writing the song message:
the margination - OpenMPT marginates it at 78 characters while IT's song
message window is only 76 characters wide. This makes it look quite ugly
on the right side. In Schism Tracker, it gets wrapped so it looks even
worse to me, like you can observe in the Spring Garden. So another thing
that should be changed in OpenMPT is the song message window width or,
because it would destroy many already written song messages, add
an option how to wrap the text.

Samples are 100% recycled. They were stolen from various sources.
1 I don't remember. :-(
2 Oh noes! I cannot into recall that one too!
3 This too.
4 And this too.
5 Jazz Jackrabbit, maybe?
6 CHAOS.S3M by Skaven of Future Crew
7 Jazz Jackrabbit
8 Don't make me crawl through my module collection just to statisfy you.
9 Jazz Jackrabbit
A Jazz Jackrabbit
B Toilet Flush
C I said don't. You might find it on one of the 116 ST sampledisks.
D Zombie Curse (zombie.stm) by Skaven of Future Crew
E You won't make me, I'm too lazy to obey some copyrightfags.
F Screw you. No one would even take care of these 8-bit samples.

This song message crap I put in every song will soon made it up to be
published as a thick book or as a very long article on my blog. It wouldn't
be possible to squeeze such amount of text in the samples an instrument
names, as it provides only 24 characters per line and 256 x 2 rows. Using
compatible IT module would limit it to 2 x 99 rows. But the absence
of the song message window would shut me up and you wouldn't waste your
time reading this meaningless text.

Anyway, you have come to the end of this crap. Congratulations if you have
read it all. See you again in another piece of something that sounds
somewhat similar to music, if ever. Heil me!

~~ Johannes Getmann aus Schei.endorf AKA 637man, j-61m, GTM, al-getman etc.

April 2014


Source Name Folder
Modarchive safari_sampler.it IT/S/safari_sampler.it.zip
Modarchive safari_sampler.it modarchive_2014_additions/IT/S/safari_sampler.it.zip



# Name Used in Size
1. Big_Bass 1 other modules 9585 ▶️
2. 1.wav 25794 ▶️
3. detsaw 18330 ▶️
4. DLMResBa 27973 ▶️
5. FLUTE 4825 ▶️
6. Chaos Choir 2 11 other modules 3725 ▶️
7. PANMALLE 16125 ▶️
8. ShortSynth.1 5552 ▶️
9. CRASHCYM 19 other modules 20192 ▶️
10. bongo 1869 ▶️
11. thump_bd 8122 ▶️
12. HandClap 3555 ▶️
13. GorillaS 1 other modules 8307 ▶️
14. HiHat 4 other modules 2189 ▶️
15. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 other modules 4954 ▶️

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