It's a nice little jazzy number. Any resemblance to spy music is
completely unintentional. I call it downtown Conspiriciy because it
sounds like something they would play at a club in a Mafia movie. It was
originally supposed to be heavy, but the drums I had tracked sounded too
much like a jazz beat. You might have already heard a drum beat similar to
that in "Swing Your Veggies", another jazz mod I tracked. This time, it
alternates between 4/4 and 5/4 timing. I struggled when I tried to come up
with a melody until I screwed around with the bassline on the piano. Then,
I came up with this the idea for a spy-movie type horn riff. I was
basically copping a "Mission Impossible" thing with the trumpets. It uses
a maximum of 6 channels and was tracked with the KISS principle (that's
Keep It Simple, Stupid!) in mind. threw in some extra notes here and there
and harmonized the horn parts near the end to keep it interesting.
Greets go out to:
Beth: How about that Monty Python? ;->
Joe Siegler: Thanx for posting "Swing Your Veggies" on
Mister X: Hopefully, we might be able to get Geocities to support mods.
Anyone else who took the time to download this mod: This will only waste
about 2 minutes and 21 seconds. Just give it a shot.
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