My Echoes

ModPlug Tracker 1.16 IT 2.14
10765538 bytes
Song Length:
Track length:


It's annoy for me to establish parameters like this so the listener can
really hear what I made.
This song need DirectX 9 instaled in your system, because I'm using the
"WavesReverb" VST effect that DirectX provide. You must hear this track
with this effect, otherwise the song will sound too dry and ugly. (at least
for me). Don't use Modpluag player, it doesn't use VST Effects.
Also, I made special envelopes for some instruments that only
Modplug can recreate, so you'll need Modplug. The instruments with this
kind of envelope will not be executed properly if you use another tracker.
Also, the envelope carry is used in this mod, and I'm not sure if other
trackers reproduce it properly, or in the same way than Modplug, at least
XM-Player doesn't reproduce the track correctly. Please use modplug.
If you don't use it, you will hear an ugly sound when you reach Part 2, here
I use all that "strange" stuff. Here, the bass sequence is two steps ahead
of the note (the sound will apear after the envelope is released),
and the envelope of the square lead must restart
when the off note apears.
If you don't want make all of this, you can download the MP3 version in
the next link [], you'll hear everything. And meybe it will sound better
than this mod.
As I always say, I hope you enjoy this song.
My Echoes

By Rayko


Source Name Folder
Modland my Impulsetracker/Rayko/
Modarchive IT/R/
Modarchive modarchive_2008_additions/IT/R/



# Name Used in Size
1. Bass 12795 ▶️
2. Bass Drum 3561 ▶️
3. Snare 4560 ▶️
4. HI_C_09B 14 other modules 10272 ▶️
5. HI_O_09B 12 other modules 51620 ▶️
6. Ride Bell 2 other modules 26977 ▶️
7. Magnetic Fields 1 Lead 37541 ▶️
8. Kick Lead 44304 ▶️
9. High Tom 1 other modules 17023 ▶️
10. Mid Tom 1 other modules 20602 ▶️
11. Low Tom 1 other modules 25947 ▶️
12. Theremin 26238 ▶️
13. Crash Cymbal 91922 ▶️
14. Sync2 1 other modules 87725 ▶️
15. DSBOSPIT 43595 ▶️
16. Bubblegun DocT 133856 ▶️
17. STR1 124734 ▶️
18. STR2 138130 ▶️
19. STR3 136679 ▶️
20. Birds 2 other modules 86272 ▶️
21. Cave Drops 11 other modules 191485 ▶️
22. Effect1 3 other modules 12522 ▶️
23. Effect2 1 other modules 3355 ▶️
24. Effect3 3566 ▶️
25. Breath 1 other modules 151185 ▶️
26. Door Creack 513 ▶️
27. Dark Beggin 186557 ▶️
28. Echo Clock 40430 ▶️
29. Metal 255487 ▶️
30. Chair 100046 ▶️
31. Laser 9424 ▶️
32. Noise Filtered 275758 ▶️
33. Square 80 other modules 28 ▶️
34. Timpany 60182 ▶️
35. Long Whiste 36072 ▶️
36. CB 17277 ▶️
37. Claves 10 other modules 390 ▶️
38. Heroic 100955 ▶️
39. Saw Wave Filteredz 119 other modules 1884 ▶️
40. Bell1 79259 ▶️
41. Bell2 92235 ▶️
42. Bass2 104728 ▶️
43. DKIT13FXste2 3769 ▶️
44. DKIT13FXste1 1 other modules 30942 ▶️
45. TAMB_31E 2 other modules 6512 ▶️
46. KICK_20Y 18200 ▶️
47. FX8 64815 ▶️
48. Noise 8449 ▶️
49. Sequencial Circuits Studi 63339 ▶️
50. FX3 108206 ▶️
51. FX5 12778 ▶️
53. FX12 70570 ▶️
54. Comp Sound 58111 ▶️
56. Old Clock 315030 ▶️
57. Fast Clock 116518 ▶️
58. Normal Clock 104627 ▶️
59. Cymbals 154880 ▶️


  1. Reso Bass
  2. Bass Drum
  3. Snare
  4. Close Hi - Hat
  5. Open Hi - Hat
  6. Roll Cymbal
  7. Magnetic Fields Lead
  8. Kick Lead
  9. High Tom
  10. Mid Tom
  11. Low Tom
  12. Theremin Low ASD
  13. Crash Cymbal
  14. Sync
  15. Boss Shoot
  16. Bubblegun DocT
  17. MiniString
  18. Low Flt MFLeaf
  19. Birds
  20. Cave Drops
  21. Effect1
  22. Effect2
  23. Effect3
  24. Breath
  25. Door Creak
  26. Dark Begin
  27. Echo Clock
  28. Meal
  29. Chair
  30. Laser
  31. Rise Wind
  32. Magnetic Fields Lead 2
  33. Sqare
  34. Timpany
  35. Square
  36. CB
  37. Claves
  38. HEROIC
  39. Saw Wave
  40. 379_minipops7
  41. Theremin Short ASD
  42. Bell1
  43. Bell2
  44. Bass Filtered
  45. Closed Hi-Hat
  46. Open Hi-Hat
  47. Bass2
  48. Tamborin
  49. Bass Drum
  50. Snare
  51. blank
  52. Noise
  53. Sequencial Circuits Studi
  54. FX8
  55. FX3
  56. FX5
  57. blank
  58. FX12
  59. Motherboard Noise
  60. Bass2
  61. blank
  62. Old Clock
  63. Fast Clock
  64. Normal Clock
  65. Cymbals

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Created by Fred / The Gang | @modsamplemaster